Life's not exactly been agreeing with me lately. Things have been going wrong and just being difficult in general. I won't go into details, but sure as the sun rises and sets, things will get better. In the mean time, I have our trip to bath on the 10th of April to look forward to. I've been re-reading some of my favorite Jane Austen works in preparation and I read Northanger Abbey for the first time as well, and it's now my second favorite Austen novel after Sense & Sensibility.
The weather here has been amazing these past few days, so here are some photos I took at the botanic gardens, and one of Lani in our bedroom.

p.s. I start with the Roller Derby in July. Any suggestions for names? I want to pick something from literature.
The weather here has been amazing these past few days, so here are some photos I took at the botanic gardens, and one of Lani in our bedroom.

p.s. I start with the Roller Derby in July. Any suggestions for names? I want to pick something from literature.
Payne Austen?