Check out the delicious vegetarian sushi me + my hubby enjoyed on Saturday!
Oh man, I had been craving sushi ALL day on Friday and my very sweet man took me out for "surprises" on Saturday (for no reason, those are the best kind!) which included breakfast at my favorite wee cafe, checking out the Edinburgh International Book Festival at the fringe, an antique book sale (which I LOVED, old books are the best), h&m for a new top, walking around in town looking at the craft fairs going on and other fringe-related goodness, AMAZING sushi for lunch, and then to Wannaburger ("american" food place here in Edinburgh, SO GOOD) for dessert. I had a sundae!
I feel so spoiled. We also walked around town SO MUCH yesterday, which is really, really good for me. I usually feel sore afterwards (because I'm so very pregnant) but I actually feel really great today.
<3 happy.

Oh man, I had been craving sushi ALL day on Friday and my very sweet man took me out for "surprises" on Saturday (for no reason, those are the best kind!) which included breakfast at my favorite wee cafe, checking out the Edinburgh International Book Festival at the fringe, an antique book sale (which I LOVED, old books are the best), h&m for a new top, walking around in town looking at the craft fairs going on and other fringe-related goodness, AMAZING sushi for lunch, and then to Wannaburger ("american" food place here in Edinburgh, SO GOOD) for dessert. I had a sundae!

<3 happy.