I really love bugs. If I could go back to school, I would study entomology. Check out some of the awesome stuff I found one etsy today. I'd cover an entire wall with this stuff if I could:

Chrysochroa Buquetii

and absolute favorite, because I adooooore moths:

Coloradia doris
lovelovelove. i'm depressed summer is drawing to a close as I've been too preggo to venture out of the house much and enjoy the beautiful nature Scotland has to offer. I have seen lots of snails and slugs on the cycle path though, and I do love them!

Chrysochroa Buquetii

and absolute favorite, because I adooooore moths:

Coloradia doris
lovelovelove. i'm depressed summer is drawing to a close as I've been too preggo to venture out of the house much and enjoy the beautiful nature Scotland has to offer. I have seen lots of snails and slugs on the cycle path though, and I do love them!

Watch out for the Midges on the cycle path. nasty little blighters