Hello and good evening!
Normally, most people would see today as one where they should stay home and avoid mirrors, black cats, etc. I on the other hand always seem to have the best of luck these days.
This particular Friday the 13th, my dear friend and I decided to check out a local hair show and drink excessive amounts of whiskey. We've had a blast all night. I would love to share details and whatnot but this blog would end up being a million words long.
What I mostly want to say is that I hope you are all having an exceptionally great Friday night. And also, in the words of Rachel Dawes from Batman: The Dark Night, you make your own luck. Have a bad attitude and you'll have a bad day. Stay positive, and obviously the mood will reflect.
I love you guys. I wish you the best of luck always. G'night and sweet dreams.
♡ Orphan