I bought a world map recently... the best gift I EVER gave myself! Green pins on countries I've already visited, yellow on the ones I will go to. It's a lot yellowish right now but one day there'll be green EVERYWHERE!
And for those who say ''you're only a dreamer'' well fuck it, hell yes I'm a dreamer. A dreamer who will reach her goals while you'll be sitting on your over-feed melty ass watching your stupid television, considering yourself happy with a wife that you don't even love, kids that you never spend time with because you're too busy planifiing your ridiculous REER when you don't even care about today.
I, sir, will be traveling all around the world with only one pair of jeans, a pack sac and a smile.
Learning, discovering, LIVING.
Willing to make a change with my bare little hands.
I'm feeling alone theise days (what else is new), misunderstand. Even my familly and friends think I'm nuts (maybe I am but that, I can assume) and it's even more hurtful to feel lonely when you're surrounded by the loved-ones.
ffiiiew I had to put that out.
And for those who say ''you're only a dreamer'' well fuck it, hell yes I'm a dreamer. A dreamer who will reach her goals while you'll be sitting on your over-feed melty ass watching your stupid television, considering yourself happy with a wife that you don't even love, kids that you never spend time with because you're too busy planifiing your ridiculous REER when you don't even care about today.
I, sir, will be traveling all around the world with only one pair of jeans, a pack sac and a smile.
Learning, discovering, LIVING.
Willing to make a change with my bare little hands.
I'm feeling alone theise days (what else is new), misunderstand. Even my familly and friends think I'm nuts (maybe I am but that, I can assume) and it's even more hurtful to feel lonely when you're surrounded by the loved-ones.
ffiiiew I had to put that out.
Oh a traveler with dreams I love it. you go girl don't let anyone distract you from those dreams.