The thought that there is 'nothing new under the sun' is both comforting and sad. Where did I read that from? The bible? Hmm.
My husband said he may be coming home tomorrow (a day early). It will be nice to have him back although I'll miss the little feeling of independence having the house to myself and the car at my disposal 24/7 bring.
I have a feeling that my new married girlfriend isn't trustworthy. When she told the girlfriend that didn't go clubbing with us what happened, she made it seem as if I was actively involved in flirting with guys for drinks/roses/pizza with her, when I was merely standing to the side. The non-clubbing girlfriend's husband gossips so I had to clear everything up quickly.
I still think she's quite lovely but I'm just less inclined to confide in her now. She didn't do anything wrong by relaying the story that way but I was very careful about guys at the club b/c this is a very small base and word (rumors) travels fast. People can say they saw me freaking and grinding some blond chica on the dance floor and I'll give a thumbs up and a
(yup, yup) but saying that I got guys to buy me drinks, flowers, and pizza wouldn't look good for my husband esp. him being out of town.
Skedaddle. I like it.
My husband said he may be coming home tomorrow (a day early). It will be nice to have him back although I'll miss the little feeling of independence having the house to myself and the car at my disposal 24/7 bring.
I have a feeling that my new married girlfriend isn't trustworthy. When she told the girlfriend that didn't go clubbing with us what happened, she made it seem as if I was actively involved in flirting with guys for drinks/roses/pizza with her, when I was merely standing to the side. The non-clubbing girlfriend's husband gossips so I had to clear everything up quickly.
I still think she's quite lovely but I'm just less inclined to confide in her now. She didn't do anything wrong by relaying the story that way but I was very careful about guys at the club b/c this is a very small base and word (rumors) travels fast. People can say they saw me freaking and grinding some blond chica on the dance floor and I'll give a thumbs up and a

Skedaddle. I like it.

The other night my nosey neighbor say me and Red_Flynn coming back from a beer run. I'm always worried about what might happen, but I dont really care.. People can talk but they can't tell my husband and I how to live our lives.
You know.. we should hang out sometime!