Well, July 4th was fun.
That morning my husband, the baby, and our married guy friend went to Rothenberg. Its a quaint, city about an hour and fourty five minutes away. We spent the day taking in the sights, had a nice lunch, and came home late afternoon.
On post, they were having a July 4th celebration at the park which I wanted to attend but my husband didn't. So I left the baby here with him and went. I was previously invited by my neighbor to her girl's night out but she never came by to give me any info and when I went by her place no one answered. Bah. So I called up another married friend and ended up going over her house because the celebration at the park got rained out.
I went over and was introduced to her recently arrived married girl friend.
This woman was gorgeous. Petite, blond, large-breasted with a modern bob haircut and a sweet smile. It was weird how well we all clicked. Soon we decided that its July 4th and we should drink. For me, 1 bacardi shot, 5 tequila shots, and a glass of hurricane before I stopped. I know, I know! But I knew my husband didn't have to work the next day and so I could get crunk and not worry about who would watch the baby.
So we've all had a few drinks and get to talking. Come to find out, this woman has had serious relationships with women before getting married.
I hadn't volunteered any info about my sexuality other than that I got drunk and made out with my girlfriends before.
Then, my married girl friend reveals that she too has been with women, but at this point she whispers it because, "I don't want my husband to find out because he already begs me to have a threesome." Me ----->
, although I hid my shock very well. So here I am drinking with two attractive married women who have been sexually involved with women before and all three of us are having marital problems sexually and otherwise with our husbands.
Yeah, when you don't need to be doing wrong that platter full of goodies is always slid in front of your face. Although, neither of them know that I've been involved sexually with a woman before. Its just that we've made plans to start hanging out together more, esp. when our husbands go out into the field (as mine is now until next wed.), going to the gym together, going out together, etc.
My conscience is knocking and telling me to snip it in the bud. Btw, my husband came back and said that he wasn't serious about the threesome, that it was his penis talking and he wouldn't be comfortable. (I knew that man was bluffing)
But back to that night. The new friend ended up telling us she had breast implants (which looked amazingly natural) but she said they looked and felt (which we both did
) so natural because she had them before she got pregnant and the preg hormones and milk caused them to have a more natural position and feel. I felt like a horndog guy because in my drunken state my eyes kept straying to her boobs.
She didn't seem to notice (or mind, maybe?). I don't know but out of all of us she was the one that drank the least.
Anywho, its just a weird situation because we click so well but knowing that I'm physically attracted to her (and her personality) and we're talking about spending more time together weighs on me. I could be overly dramatic about the situation but being around a woman I'm attracted to that I know is bisexual (so she can completely understand my situation if I ever disclose it to her one day) feels like it would strain things between me and my husband because I'll have that constant attraction in my face. It makes it more apparent that women are much more attractive sexually to me.
That morning my husband, the baby, and our married guy friend went to Rothenberg. Its a quaint, city about an hour and fourty five minutes away. We spent the day taking in the sights, had a nice lunch, and came home late afternoon.
On post, they were having a July 4th celebration at the park which I wanted to attend but my husband didn't. So I left the baby here with him and went. I was previously invited by my neighbor to her girl's night out but she never came by to give me any info and when I went by her place no one answered. Bah. So I called up another married friend and ended up going over her house because the celebration at the park got rained out.
I went over and was introduced to her recently arrived married girl friend.

So we've all had a few drinks and get to talking. Come to find out, this woman has had serious relationships with women before getting married.

Then, my married girl friend reveals that she too has been with women, but at this point she whispers it because, "I don't want my husband to find out because he already begs me to have a threesome." Me ----->

Yeah, when you don't need to be doing wrong that platter full of goodies is always slid in front of your face. Although, neither of them know that I've been involved sexually with a woman before. Its just that we've made plans to start hanging out together more, esp. when our husbands go out into the field (as mine is now until next wed.), going to the gym together, going out together, etc.
My conscience is knocking and telling me to snip it in the bud. Btw, my husband came back and said that he wasn't serious about the threesome, that it was his penis talking and he wouldn't be comfortable. (I knew that man was bluffing)
But back to that night. The new friend ended up telling us she had breast implants (which looked amazingly natural) but she said they looked and felt (which we both did

Anywho, its just a weird situation because we click so well but knowing that I'm physically attracted to her (and her personality) and we're talking about spending more time together weighs on me. I could be overly dramatic about the situation but being around a woman I'm attracted to that I know is bisexual (so she can completely understand my situation if I ever disclose it to her one day) feels like it would strain things between me and my husband because I'll have that constant attraction in my face. It makes it more apparent that women are much more attractive sexually to me.

but if it was me I would be realy hert if she didnt talk to me about it first.
I'm all for not putting extra strain on an already strained relationship. But I would try to talk to your husband about it and see if he'd be ok with you having a playmate (or two
By the way, I'm totally jealous