There was this rank smell in the kitchen and no matter how much cleaning and sniffing around, I did, I couldn't find it. I just couldn't find the origin.
So a couple days pass of me angrily wondering what is smelling in my kitchen. I'm sitting on the couch, able to see into the kitchen and lo and behold, there is something underneath the stove. I'm like, "Que?" Because I swept and swiffered the floor recently.
I pull out an open container of ricotta cheese with mold evolving into life, from underneath the stove.
I remembered a couple of days ago I went grocery shopping and always clean out the fridge when I do so. Apparently, the container got kicked/somehow sent underneath the stove and my sweeping pushed it further back.
Mystery solved. I can't imagine what would've happened if I hadn't discovered it when I did.
I still want to be with a woman. I've tried to talk less about this recently.
Pookie pie is so cute, sometimes I can't even look at her. She was doing that squat/bounce that all babies do to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer themesong (I don't have much to watch over here
) . Too cute.
I swear if she decided she wanted to rule the world and used her cuteness as the tool, I'd be unable to resist.
Here's hoping she has no plans of Stewie-like world domination.
So a couple days pass of me angrily wondering what is smelling in my kitchen. I'm sitting on the couch, able to see into the kitchen and lo and behold, there is something underneath the stove. I'm like, "Que?" Because I swept and swiffered the floor recently.
I pull out an open container of ricotta cheese with mold evolving into life, from underneath the stove.

Mystery solved. I can't imagine what would've happened if I hadn't discovered it when I did.

I still want to be with a woman. I've tried to talk less about this recently.
Pookie pie is so cute, sometimes I can't even look at her. She was doing that squat/bounce that all babies do to the Buffy the Vampire Slayer themesong (I don't have much to watch over here

I swear if she decided she wanted to rule the world and used her cuteness as the tool, I'd be unable to resist.


About that woman thing. I like being with women better. Mainly because they care and are less about the sex and more about the emotion.
About your car have you gotten it fixxed??
Anyway, just thought I would let you knw about them pics o' beverly.