Yet another day of snow. I'm getting rather tired of the white stuff. One day is fine, three days are tolerable but anything after that
I'm on a caffiene high. Coffee and chocolate, mmm, yes.
I can't stand rude people. Does it hurt to be polite? For freak's sake! I just can't stand living in my apt. building anymore. The upstairs and downstairs neighbors we have (the others have moved on - I live on a military base) are completely comfortable with entering each others homes at any time of the day or night and don't know how to NOT SLAM a freakin door everytime! Is that hard? How about NOT YELLING up or down the stairs for someone? Hmm? What about keeping your spawn of the devil teenagers from doing all of the above and not play screaming games at 2:30 in the freakin morning?
Oh, wait...what is this? Renovating the empty apartments? It will take weeks, you say? Construction workers at 7:00am...great
Oh...and you work even on Saturdays? Excellent!!
I'm only 22 but freak when I don't have sleep (and the noise consistently wakes up my 6 month old) my level of grump and groan could put any crotchety senior citizen to shame!
Love, anyone? I need some.

I'm on a caffiene high. Coffee and chocolate, mmm, yes.

I can't stand rude people. Does it hurt to be polite? For freak's sake! I just can't stand living in my apt. building anymore. The upstairs and downstairs neighbors we have (the others have moved on - I live on a military base) are completely comfortable with entering each others homes at any time of the day or night and don't know how to NOT SLAM a freakin door everytime! Is that hard? How about NOT YELLING up or down the stairs for someone? Hmm? What about keeping your spawn of the devil teenagers from doing all of the above and not play screaming games at 2:30 in the freakin morning?
Oh, wait...what is this? Renovating the empty apartments? It will take weeks, you say? Construction workers at 7:00am...great

I'm only 22 but freak when I don't have sleep (and the noise consistently wakes up my 6 month old) my level of grump and groan could put any crotchety senior citizen to shame!
Love, anyone? I need some.
Oh man....I hear all that when I visit my friends in housing! Feels like the slums there.