So I'm trying my hand at some recipes today. Excitement and anxiety! I'm making deviled eggs as a side dish and for dessert, chocolate brownies with peanut butter chips and marshmallow creme for Christina's cookout. Then for my family's dinner, I'm making red snapper with bell peppers and onions sprinkled with parmesan, a marinated asparagus salad and a blueberry and banana quickbread with a struesel topping for dessert. I'm just in that 'spread the love through food' mood, I guess. Watching Paula Deen all day yesterday inspired me.
And, I was able to persuade a friend to see Superman Returns with me!! After the horror that was X-Men 3, I look forward to being impressed and slightly infatuated at the end of this movie.
I start class on-campus tomorrow and hopefully, that afternoon I'll put my deposit down on an apartment. Things are falling into place and I'm actually happy and looking forward to enjoying this time. I swear I'm not on drugs.
And, I was able to persuade a friend to see Superman Returns with me!! After the horror that was X-Men 3, I look forward to being impressed and slightly infatuated at the end of this movie.

I start class on-campus tomorrow and hopefully, that afternoon I'll put my deposit down on an apartment. Things are falling into place and I'm actually happy and looking forward to enjoying this time. I swear I'm not on drugs.

At least the actors vaguely reminded me of the characters they were supposed to be.
Seriously, of the half hour of Superman Returns I watched on my friend's computer, I got to say I wasn't impressed. I'll probably see it in the theatre, but not until it gets to the cheap seats. Singer just isn't as great a director as people thinks he is. He's just good at finding good scripts to work with.