Looks like I'm back to writing in this blog...maybe it's not such a bad thing. I keep on thinking about how Octavia Butler died and wonder. I mean, such a wonderful, amazingly talented writer, and who knows how long she laid on the pavement after hitting her head till she was taken to the hospital where she died...Not that I intend on smacking my head on the curb any time soon, but I'm a klutz
It's just...the world inside her head must have been so much more than the one she lived in, a place she could maneuver and warp and create with ease and pain and care. With so much inside and the inability to express it without difficulty verbally, the written word is a relief and a release. But sometimes...saying and writing nothing at all is best.
I think I may be ready to grow my own locs soon...I have loc extensions right now but the process of growing them may be just what I need.
Oh, and I'm in love with Corinne Bailey Rae...her music is wonderful.

I think I may be ready to grow my own locs soon...I have loc extensions right now but the process of growing them may be just what I need.
Oh, and I'm in love with Corinne Bailey Rae...her music is wonderful.