Learning about Hinduism and some of the various scriptures associated with the various forms of Hinduism. Next week is Buddhism. Even though I can't wrap my mind around much of it, I'm still excited to have the chance to learn about it. Yay for online classes.
Commuting has been kicking my booty. 3 hours total travel on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday I couldn't turn my head enough to the right to see to change lanes or without sharp shooting pains in my neck. I'm now officially owned by the chiropractor and she can position me however she wants to crack all the bones in my body. Biofreeze is my new best friend.
I think I may get locs this weekend. Not sure but I need to get rid of this hair. For the summer, bantu knots and humongous hoop earrings
Commuting has been kicking my booty. 3 hours total travel on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday I couldn't turn my head enough to the right to see to change lanes or without sharp shooting pains in my neck. I'm now officially owned by the chiropractor and she can position me however she wants to crack all the bones in my body. Biofreeze is my new best friend.
I think I may get locs this weekend. Not sure but I need to get rid of this hair. For the summer, bantu knots and humongous hoop earrings

the tibetan book of the dead would be a good casual read for those type of courses
hope all is well
It is amazing here. The part of Japan I line in probably isn't what most people think of Japan being like, but it is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. And I love it here despite some of the hardships. Or maybe because of them. I love how self sufficient we are. And the solitude that is never more than a few minutes away.
I never thought I would. I thought I would miss the hectic life I once lived.
Ok, you probably don't remember asking me this, it was a long time ago, but I am answering all the old questions people asked me, so here goes.
There was a time when I was sure I would never want children. But the older I get the less sure I am. I think I might. And the man I am with now would make a perfect father. But I don't love him. Or more accurately I am not in love with him. The only man I have ever been in love with is half a world away. And is still married to someone else. And I can't imagine having any child that is not his.