ARRR!!! That is all.


Yay, my SG shirt and panties arrived today! biggrin
Okay. smile
email me
I wish someone would just tell me what to do then if things didn't turn out right, I'd have someone to blame. skull whatever

I feel so fickle letting my mind go here then there. I don't know...it seems like all my determination has left and now I want to comfort more than break free. Theres always a feeling of this not being right but when I...
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You're very welcome! I am full of them. Besides from the sounds of things, you need all the positve comments you can get. wink

[Edited on May 25, 2005 1:35PM]
Woah! Heavy stuff right there... shocked
Well, I hoped I could avoid it but sure enough, I'm sick. frown I can thank my husband for that...who rolls over during the night to face me while coughing. Who does that?! Baka. mad

On a happy note, the baby is teething (possibly the reason for her fever the other day). She has a little tooth pushing up on the bottom row. She's getting so big,...
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do you speak Portuguese fluently or are you just learning to speak the language? Portuguese is one of my favorite languages- along with French, spanish , arabic and spanish wink
I a sorry that you're sick, I hope that it quickly passes.
Today is a bit dreary...the sun is hidden behind rain clouds that only drizzle a bit here and there and everything seems somewhat subdued.

Overall, its a grey day yet as I walk around in my t-shirt and panties I feel like a sexy bitch. eeek You ever have one of those days? Not because you're dressed to kill, have the most amazing hair day in...
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After looking through your pics I'm not the least bit surprised to hear your walking around thinking about hot you are (now so am I)
I ahd a day close to that. I call them bearable days. smile
During my nightly insomniac waking I went to check on the baby and she was burning up when I touched her. So I woke the husband and he agreed that she was very hot to him as well. She had a temp of 102F and it felt as if my heart would seize if she was seriously ill. Feeling like a child again, I called...
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You are such a kind beautiful person, thank you for the good words. Love Zen
So if he called into work sick, would they send the Militarty Police to see if he was lying?

Or would he just get an excuse from the base Doctor?

Hope everyone is feeling better soon; I know what it means to have a house full of sick people.
I was thinking about a comment salomegoddess made a while back about marriage being the ultimate committment. And ideally, it should be...

But, the more I thought about it the more I felt that the only person that I couldn't ever imagine leaving or turning my back on is my daughter. I know its cheesy to quote song lyrics but in Lauryn Hill's 'Zion' I...
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You can find the dA journal in these two locations:

But if you join (which you can do for free) you can send private messages too and fill up my inbox biggrin tongue
So you found out how to resize your pictures...hmm...I am curious to see if you will go a step further and start using photoshop...it is addictive you know... surreal
Damn! I still haven't listened to anything by NIN...do you have anything in mp3?
regarding my dA ID... blush blush thank you love kiss kiss

Even though I envy you for having a daughter I still don't want to have a family... but if I ever do I would definitely want a daughter...I would love her madly smile smile

Hope to see you in dA also wink
Hey luv,
I feel you on not being sure about the ultimate commitment of marriage of course people abuse it or sometimes realzie tha tthey don't realy love their partner like that but its something to strive for in my opinion- but I am also 100% there with you on the difference between loving your significant other and your own child. Your child is your flesh and blood but it is also the flesh and blood of your other half- so you see both you and he in your child.

miao!! miao!! wink
I'm loving "with teeth"...I play it over and over and over and everytime it still sounds as seductive and deep as the first time. love

On another irrelvant note I am a huge Inuyasha fan. Although, I'm a fan of the Sesshoumaru and Kagome pairing. If you're a fan of the anime or simply appreciate beautiful artwork check out the links.

sesshoumaru and kagome in the...
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lol, that is so true. babies are cute but the crying is somehow louder than any other thing....even non vocally reproduced sound it is truely amazing.
Thank you my sweet friend kiss
I am so glad you are sending people to check out deviantArt. I think it's a great place to see so many artists and their work. Did you join?

...what is "with teeth"?
Well, the husband got mad at me the other day after he looked at the bank statement and saw $1000 had been taken out (we had a nice tax return). He asked me what it was for and I told him it was for the lump sum student loan payment he said I could make.

Anyway, he then told me that he's not going to...
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I am sorry he is doing that to you. Sometimes people push and don't realize it. My ex girlfriend did that to me. She would constantly yell over insignificant things (not "little things" those are totally different and very important).. She would shut down and just lash out at everyone around her.

i hope it all works out for you though.
I don't really understand your moms thinking in going out and spending more money. I do understand where he comes from and why he would act that way, even though I don't totally agree with him. Financial independence is good even if you are in a marriage. My weekend was alright thank you for asking. I went out with friends on Friday night and bought them drinks and dinner. I haven't done that in a while and I like to every now and then. After drinks I went over to see my little sister and ended up passing out on her couch. More because I was tired from the week before but the beer helped also. The rest of the weekend was spent doing a little gaming and moving as little as possible. I did however get my spetum pierced on Saturday. It didn't hurt when I had it done but is soar as hell now and I keep bumping my nose. I should be in bed right now so I'm going to say goodnight......Goodnight Zen
Greetings pretty one smile
I hope that you are still talking to me after being away from SG for so long. About a week ago (I think) This wonderful Artist Rogyn suggested one of my photographs to be a daily deviation in deviantArt and it got accepted shocked so now I am thanking so many people for their comments blush

Your baby is so cute smile
By the way, who took my job at resizing your pics? Now I'm jealous! biggrin

I miss you and hope to hear from you soon..

Your Greek oink friend..
kiss kiss kiss
thanks for the birthday wishes
So...as I was drifting off to sleep the husband faces me and asks, "Do you still feel the same way?" I remain silent for a moment then ask, "In regards to what?" I know what he was asking but I wanted more from him. "About us and you?"

It was a weird moment for me. I heard my mom's voice in my head telling me...
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i know what its like to live like that... frown doing for self, i believe, is the most difficult way to live, after always doing for others.

keep ya chin up & remember that you love yourself... wink
I am so conscious of the necessity of finding that balance that perhaps it makes it even more painful.
The weekend was pretty uneventful. Although, I bought Phantom of the Opera and even though I really didn't feel it until the end, I still think its a great movie. But I love musicals and the Phantom has always been a favorite.

Personally, I think the mask was a rather sexy accessory. And who am I to hate on someone for having wigs...I used to...
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lol, this is the year of great sci-fi's. I can't wait to see war of the world with tom cruis. ITS GONNA ROCK!!! wish i could be in germany. i havent left the states for 3 years now.
I like your profile picture.
Mmm, nothing better than German gummibaren love love

If I could find a decent Chinese restaurant around here...that'd make my day!

Prime gym day...we'll see whatever We went to a lovely Greek restaurant last night with our 'favorite couple' and the food was excellent. Lamb kabobs, porkchops, gyro meat, flat bread, and a huge platter of salad fixins w/ gyro sauce...delicious! They also served free before and after...
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theres a spot i go to in the dupont circle area of dc that serves the best greek & syrian food... biggrin i cant say ive really ever had authentic german food except during oktoberfest.. frown send me some recipes plz... wink

peace love
it sits on dupont circle. i probably saw you & didnt know it was you! did you recognize me? wink

the hotel is called jurys, & dupont circle is the hub of all events for pride week. most likely you saw my lil sis too! did you recognize her? wink


[Edited on May 10, 2005 3:14AM]