I think I'm poly-curious. Is that even a term? confused

But you can't be poly-curious if you're apart of a couple, whose other doesn't want to add another. Ha. whatever

He'd get head, I'd eat out, and feel sexually/emotionally fulfilled by having someone that actually talks to me on a regular basis while still maintaining the 'connection' that my husband and I have.

Yes, I know that...
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tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue

a series of long licks for you for each & every day... shocked biggrin wink

last nite was not so boring...i caught a lady of the evening servicing a client orally in an alley. 45 minutes later i caught another riding a client in the same alley. shocked aww, fuckit! i caught 2 hos fucking their tricks in an alley! eeek biggrin i watched them for a few minutes before i approached them. i sometimes get a kick out of the "deer in the headlights" look on folks faces...well, all the time! LOL!

the last time i caught a ho/trick duo in the act, i inadvertently made the trick shit on himself. he did it as he pulled his pants up & it was spread all through his pants & underwear. he had to sit in it for a 30 minute ride home! puke eeek blackeyed biggrin
did i just send this? plenty of pople have 3some relstionships. te people that do dont have all those ridicilous problems of not getting not giving enough attention b/c being a threesoem is a part of al there everyday routine activitys not just sex. it works for some probably not the average john adn jane though
I'm tired of writing about my marriage for right now. I don't want to dwell on the confusion, guilt, and indecision I still find myself in although I have a square answer that doesn't fit the circle-shaped hole even with force.

I have a best friend in the States I haven't talked to or personally emailed for months (she's done the same). Yet, my feelings...
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My wife and her friend are like that, it is endearing to hear that. Looks like you did not combust, I am happy.
Yer welcome, i wish I could help more....as far as school, yep one more final on thursday and I am done....I did a bad thing though...I compromised my summer...I took one class for the summer *dives under the computer desk for cover*.... it shouldbe okay though it is a web graphic and design class.
I'm waiting to spontaneously combust but perhaps expecting such a thing will jinx it? confused surreal

I hope that you won't combust...don't! ok?

hi sweetie, i haven't heard from ya in a while so i thought i would say hello and see how you are.
Well, I feel some more whining/venting is in order. Just clearing my head... surreal

So I told my husband I'd put a dollar or euro in a jar for him everyday that I was supposed to use the exercise bike and didn't. He comes to me all smiles and proposes that for every two days I don't exercise when I said I would, he gets a...
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Wow.. it's almost comforting to know that there is someone else out there who feels the way I do about their marriage. That its not me just trying to punk out or make excuses.. but then again, I feel so bad because we're in the same boat and this is a place I know is hard for both of us.

I wish you the best.. you both.. all three of you smile Family is very important and it's good to hear you're not giving up without a fight. Marriage isn't a game and I respect that you're toughing it out kiss

As for the head thing.. whats so bad about it? I have a huge oral fixation and love giving head, personally blush
no head? mad frown
ass licking? biggrin kiss love
working out? wink biggrin
your hubby going to war? mad frown
making your marriage work? wink biggrin do yo thang! whatever j/k blackeyed shocked wink biggrin

the thing about circles is...life is one big circle. in order to not feel like the gerbel in the wheel, you need to learn to control your pace so the circle doesnt come around & bite you in the ass.

peace n hair grease in the middle east! surreal
I've become hooked on Arizona green tea (cold) and Lay's jalapeno chips. I know its an odd combination but its so good and at least the green tea is good for me. whatever

So my husband and I talked about his extremely sexist statements about women in the military and after I ripped him a new one he saw the error of his ways. We got...
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So, the husband and I were talking about the bill that passed which won't allow women in combat. He agrees with it except he took it a step further and said women shouldn't be allowed in the military, period.

I asked him to explain himself and he said that of the women hes worked with they are whiny, lazy, and incompetent physically and mentally and...
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does he know about the female soldier in iraq that has been awarded a combat ribbon for bravery or something. her convoy was attacked, they killed all the insurgents, & recovered their video that showed the atack on the convoy. blackeyed seems to me she did just fine...

i wish it was all over tho... mad
Yeah, he said it right; women don't belong in the military force. They should stay home and stay pregnant and make dinner for the man....
hahahaha. Sorry that is one of the funniest things that I heard in a while.

I know that women are more than suitable to work in the military and on the police force. Some women, more than others, have a calm head in situations that demand concentration. I know a few women detectives where I work and the things they do; I have heard praise about them from other males detectives.

You have to love the narrow mindness some people are capable of.
I feel like I'm becoming some sexually frustrated breast fiend. Aside from the great people, I'm not too sure joining this site was such a good idea. Everyday being confronted with pictures and words of real women, as beautiful as they are intelligent seems like some self-inflicted tease/torment. I've been reading romance/fantasy so forgive my tendency for being melodramatic. Ha...

I need a good fuck....
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Thak god, I thught I was the only one who was attracted to the females on this site; suicide girls and members alike.

I hope you get what you want girl, sounds like you need it.
I'm going to have to make an appt. to talk with the captain of my husband's unit. I'm tired of how they just take advantage of him and disregard his opinion. I understand that with his unit preparing for Iraq everyone is going to be working late and all that but they treat him like sh*t. Even our friends have been commenting on it.

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Some men can be pigs. oink
you should have said something then & there...unless it would have a negative effect on the hubby. otherwise, he should have felt your wrath. mad

the butterfly is just like the ladybug...hands free! shocked you need to get the jack rabbit. make sure its not one of the knockoffs, cuz they tend to not function properly. also get the pocket rocket... wink you wont last 2 minutes! shocked eeek blush love
Star Wars was really good. I liked this one a whole lot better than the other prequels. Poor Anakin...

I'm trying to do something nice for the husband so I got him Season 2 of Chapelle's Show, a # 1 Daddy t-shirt, and a Happy Father's Day cake. Since he has CQ (24-hour duty) this Thurs. and Sat., possibly going to be out in the...
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So why would you want to have enhancements?

I told my wife that I don't want anything for Father's day, just the love of my family. wink

The friend we went with to the concert absolutely feel in love with Trent.

Have fun on your walk.
Hello Sweetie

I haven't seen Star Wars yet....only the first one which I don't really remember....so I feel like I am missing out...lol blush

I'm saving to get enhancements too. I can't wait!!
Well, I didn't get to see Star Wars yesterday but I do get to see it today. biggrin

As I'm walking the baby around post in her stroller, I hear, "Work that backside!" I immediately turn in the direction of the car, angry face in place and see that its the husband of the new couple we've befriended. He's smiling and waving as he passes. So...
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i emailed you hun. but i don't know if you check that account. let me know. or im always on aim.
we were in monterey for about a year. san fran is pretty nice and laid back for a city and filthy smut land too. if you'r einto it
My sexual frustration has become an almost tangible thing. skull

Hopefully, I'll get to see Star Wars today and build even more tension by watching Anakin become seduced by the DarkSide. Mmm, the DarkSide... eeek

Then perhaps dinner with a married couple w/ kids that we met not too long ago through the only other couple we hang out with. *crosses fingers*

Anything to have some adult...
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i feel that. i love my boy but i know the teenage mutant ninja turtles to well tongue
just try and live... message me sometime on aim. lets chit chat and talk about our kids biggrin
And I luv you too girl wink
I feel that this journal has stopped being used for the purpose it should be and has turned into yet another way for people to see that I am 'nice'. Most people want to be thought of as nice and kind, what have you, but I don't want what I write to be censored according to what I think will be perceived as vulgar, mean,...
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word...be you. eff being nice all the time or tryin to squeeze yourself in a mold of other's making...your husband's included.

feel you on missing the touch of a woman, too...
rofl, he has got an account here? weird...

but the question is: has anything changed?