It's sweltering outside...
Let's see...I recently bought a 2 CD set of Led Zeppelin's Greatest Hits and as I listened to the awe-inspiring vocals and guitar playing, I wondered why no one told me to check them out earlier. I don't even have the words to describe how amazing their music is...just everything fits and moves and touches...I mean, really, I was missing out.
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Let's see...I recently bought a 2 CD set of Led Zeppelin's Greatest Hits and as I listened to the awe-inspiring vocals and guitar playing, I wondered why no one told me to check them out earlier. I don't even have the words to describe how amazing their music is...just everything fits and moves and touches...I mean, really, I was missing out.
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I think I've been getting in my own way.
I still need to get pierced and tattooed.
I need an Independent Study course at UNC desperately.
Yay, Bookie Boo Boo Pie will be 2 yrs old August 4th!
Chocolate covered cherries with the liquid center are heavenly!
I still need to get pierced and tattooed.
I need an Independent Study course at UNC desperately.
Yay, Bookie Boo Boo Pie will be 2 yrs old August 4th!
Chocolate covered cherries with the liquid center are heavenly!
You know you're getting in your own way when you find yourself running in to walls for no reason.
I'm not a chocolate covered cherry fan myself. More a chocolate peanut cluster kind of guy.
Oh, and did you check out Black Panther #18 for your namesake's marriage yet?
I'm not a chocolate covered cherry fan myself. More a chocolate peanut cluster kind of guy.
Oh, and did you check out Black Panther #18 for your namesake's marriage yet?
I think Marvel missed the ball by not just giving Storm a solo book, but the marriage does seem to work out all right. The dress design is pretty damn cool too.
I just think that it's a little weak to marry the two of them off essentially because Marvel wanted a strong black couple in the universe so they decided to marry their two biggest "African American" (though neither is really American) characters.
It's also a little sad that they based this huge secret romance in their teenage years based on all of three comics.
Hudlin's a pretty decent writer though, so it might have a chance.
I just think that it's a little weak to marry the two of them off essentially because Marvel wanted a strong black couple in the universe so they decided to marry their two biggest "African American" (though neither is really American) characters.
It's also a little sad that they based this huge secret romance in their teenage years based on all of three comics.
Hudlin's a pretty decent writer though, so it might have a chance.
I shouldn't drink when I'm in an odd mood. It makes me far too introspective for my own good and unable to come to any conclusion that doesn't stink of bs.
The only thing I really want right now is sleep.
The only thing I really want right now is sleep.
So I'm trying my hand at some recipes today. Excitement and anxiety! I'm making deviled eggs as a side dish and for dessert, chocolate brownies with peanut butter chips and marshmallow creme for Christina's cookout. Then for my family's dinner, I'm making red snapper with bell peppers and onions sprinkled with parmesan, a marinated asparagus salad and a blueberry and banana quickbread with a struesel...
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Okay, now we have to ask the question; which era of Storm would you have? I think I would take Storm as she is. Not the eighties version, the mo-hawk never did anything for me.
I liked X3...
At least the actors vaguely reminded me of the characters they were supposed to be.
Seriously, of the half hour of Superman Returns I watched on my friend's computer, I got to say I wasn't impressed. I'll probably see it in the theatre, but not until it gets to the cheap seats. Singer just isn't as great a director as people thinks he is. He's just good at finding good scripts to work with.
At least the actors vaguely reminded me of the characters they were supposed to be.
Seriously, of the half hour of Superman Returns I watched on my friend's computer, I got to say I wasn't impressed. I'll probably see it in the theatre, but not until it gets to the cheap seats. Singer just isn't as great a director as people thinks he is. He's just good at finding good scripts to work with.
Looks like I'm back to writing in this blog...maybe it's not such a bad thing. I keep on thinking about how Octavia Butler died and wonder. I mean, such a wonderful, amazingly talented writer, and who knows how long she laid on the pavement after hitting her head till she was taken to the hospital where she died...Not that I intend on smacking my head...
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It seems a fall down the stairs with the baby in my arms was enough to drag me out of a silly depression. Nyquil is bad if you have to function as a human, apparently. Between her pink eye and my quick and random onset of sickness, I have more than enough to keep me occupied. Thankfully, she was uninjured, my lower back took the...
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Thank you girl, I wish Val (my wife) was a little more open minded with the name like you are. Oh well, I have at least another five months or so in changing her mind. If not, I can always tip the anesthesiologist an extra twenty to keep her drugged up while she signs the birth certificate.
I hope you are feeling better. A fall like that would be scary alone, but with your daughter in your arms, I'm just glad to hear you're both alright. Good luck to you in moving, I know I am going to dread the day when we have to move.
Don't be a stranger.
I hope you are feeling better. A fall like that would be scary alone, but with your daughter in your arms, I'm just glad to hear you're both alright. Good luck to you in moving, I know I am going to dread the day when we have to move.
Don't be a stranger.
It's been a long while since Ive updated. I want to thank everyone for the birthday well-wishes.
I'm looking forward to the summer. I'm taking a heavy courseload with 3 online classes and one on-campus course but I hope that I will enjoy all of them.
I am also looking forward to spending time with my friends at the beach in June and seeing the...
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I'm looking forward to the summer. I'm taking a heavy courseload with 3 online classes and one on-campus course but I hope that I will enjoy all of them.
I am also looking forward to spending time with my friends at the beach in June and seeing the...
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4 courses- bah. how was your weekend?
hey stranger, hows things going? i hope all is well for you & yours.

new braids
are you going to post a picture so we can see them?
wont your head be heavy? hot too?
I have to word my journals so carefully now that it doesn't really feel like a journal anymore. Of course I censored things before but now...meh.
Questions without answers about issues that are always there. I still do wish someone could tell me that what I choose to do will be right but I suppose the only one that can do that is myself...or at...
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Questions without answers about issues that are always there. I still do wish someone could tell me that what I choose to do will be right but I suppose the only one that can do that is myself...or at...
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better to spend your money on a permanent decoration dont you think?
Of course, there are people who do actually care. Sounds like things are going well. Put up pictures of what the new hair style looks like.
I like looking at my mostly nude body after just getting out of bed in the morning. With my hair in disarray-usually smashed flat on one side if I didn't twist it-the curve to my stomach, my 'mommy' breasts, and even the low-rise panties which usually have shifted during the night and have found more space inside my butt than out...I don't know, I like...
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It took me a long time to stop caring about how I was supposed to look. Especially back when I was dancing. I'd gain 2-3 pounds and suddenly feel like I was fat. I was ashamed of the scars on my hands and feet. The first time I realized I was getting some smile lines I seriously considered a face lift. I think I was 22.
That seems silly now. I don't care at all about living up to anyone else's idea of beauty anymore. I do try to stay in shape. Because it makes me feel good. I don't yoyo. I don't do fads. I feel better than ever. If I look good too then that is a nice bonus, but not the most important thing.
I hope you don't cut too much hair off. I love your hair. Although with that smile you will be beautiful no matter what you do.
[Edited on Feb 24, 2006 3:51AM]
That seems silly now. I don't care at all about living up to anyone else's idea of beauty anymore. I do try to stay in shape. Because it makes me feel good. I don't yoyo. I don't do fads. I feel better than ever. If I look good too then that is a nice bonus, but not the most important thing.
I hope you don't cut too much hair off. I love your hair. Although with that smile you will be beautiful no matter what you do.
[Edited on Feb 24, 2006 3:51AM]
Hey there girl, how are things?
Learning about Hinduism and some of the various scriptures associated with the various forms of Hinduism. Next week is Buddhism. Even though I can't wrap my mind around much of it, I'm still excited to have the chance to learn about it. Yay for online classes.
Commuting has been kicking my booty. 3 hours total travel on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday I couldn't turn my...
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Commuting has been kicking my booty. 3 hours total travel on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday I couldn't turn my...
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in many pacific countries the fear of death is almost nonexistent. there's a sayign that if a man is biten by a poisonious snake he doesnt run to the hospitial or attempt any aid to/for himself he sits and mediates waiting for death.
the tibetan book of the dead would be a good casual read for those type of courses
hope all is well
the tibetan book of the dead would be a good casual read for those type of courses
hope all is well
Thanks for the welcome back. It is so good to see so many people I knew are still here. I am glad that you came back too.
It is amazing here. The part of Japan I line in probably isn't what most people think of Japan being like, but it is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. And I love it here despite some of the hardships. Or maybe because of them. I love how self sufficient we are. And the solitude that is never more than a few minutes away.
I never thought I would. I thought I would miss the hectic life I once lived.
Ok, you probably don't remember asking me this, it was a long time ago, but I am answering all the old questions people asked me, so here goes.
There was a time when I was sure I would never want children. But the older I get the less sure I am. I think I might. And the man I am with now would make a perfect father. But I don't love him. Or more accurately I am not in love with him. The only man I have ever been in love with is half a world away. And is still married to someone else. And I can't imagine having any child that is not his.
It is amazing here. The part of Japan I line in probably isn't what most people think of Japan being like, but it is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. And I love it here despite some of the hardships. Or maybe because of them. I love how self sufficient we are. And the solitude that is never more than a few minutes away.
I never thought I would. I thought I would miss the hectic life I once lived.
Ok, you probably don't remember asking me this, it was a long time ago, but I am answering all the old questions people asked me, so here goes.
There was a time when I was sure I would never want children. But the older I get the less sure I am. I think I might. And the man I am with now would make a perfect father. But I don't love him. Or more accurately I am not in love with him. The only man I have ever been in love with is half a world away. And is still married to someone else. And I can't imagine having any child that is not his.
Here's hoping you will be back soon.