blah blah blah, blah blah blah. blah. puke robot surreal
i fought with the boy last night. i don't know what the fuck my problem is. i don't like fighting, especially with him, but its been really high/really low lately. i know that at least 50% of this is my fault. at least. i'm a total fucking mess right now, to tell the truth. i think it's because everything is completely unstable. i don't know...
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my dreams are always beyond bizarre. and they've been really intense lately. it sucks. i never get "recuperative" sleep because of them. fuck off, dreams! mad
mine are just generally insane
mine are just generally insane
fucking tired. still. but i went to the doc's yesterday, and got tested for some stuff, and apparently i'm getting (marginally) better. smile my health is a work in progress. i can't necessarily say the same thing about my mental state. i think i need to move. stagnation is the only thing on the menu right now.

i'm going to lake tahoe on thursday for a...
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I have this book called "Depraved and Insulting English:Words to Offend and Amuse," by Peter Novobatsky and Ammon Shea. It's hilarious. Here's a sample:

"creodont /KREE o dont/ n. a primitive, small-brained animal.
handsome suitors she had by the score,
and diamond baubles were all that she wore,
so who could have guessed
that a woman so blessed
would marry a creodont bore?" (it says...
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I just wanted to comment that if you don't remember me, I'll be sad because I will always remember you as the first and only person to comment on my profile site. I actually tried to respond to you by commenting on my profile but I am figuring out this is not how it works. So now I am commenting effectively, I believe. Which is ironic because I don't really have a comment. But I will try to call someone a creodont. And I will try to wear some baubles, if possible. Also, check this out ARRR!!! oink miao!!
i love tom robbins. i know i go on and on about him, but i really, truly adore his writing. adore it. ahhhh!
i love bukowski. ha. i have eclectic taste i guess.
been reading a lot.


my tonsils are completely swollen again. i have no idea how it happened. and i don't have health insurance. i was rejected, because i am so extremely...
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My roomate is a Tom Robbins nut! He made me read "even cowgirls get the blues". Hes a great "wordsmith", but somehow it just doesn't grab me the way it does you.

Health insurance... Don't even get me started. A good friend of mine got colon cancer while she was in college. When she was undergoing chemo and radiation she couldn't even make it up to her bedroom, let alone go to school. The insurance company pulled her insurance because (according to thier soulless logic) she was no longer a full time student. Now her family is receiving $45,000 medical bills weekly. What the fuck are you supposed to do?! It makes me so angry. mad mad mad
Sometimes I think Canada has the right idea. 40% taxes, but everyone gets healthcare. I'd pay it...
You want to know the sad thing? Its just really late for me. blush Perhaps I should invest in some sleeping pills... Oh wait, I couldn't afford them seeing as I don't have insurance. wink
I should not be allowed to get my hands on my money. Especially if I haven't spent any in an extended period of time.
Last night I bought:
-Villa Incognito by Tom Robbins
-A used book of poems by Bukowski
-A "personal" sized cheese pizza
-An Arizona Watermelon juice can (yuuuum)
-A pack of Djarum Blacks. They are ok. Not the best. My favorites are...
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mmmmmmm hookah love

and i hope thine puppy turns out alright, darlin.

by the way...dont let my journal a few days back scare you...youre allowed to IM me if you want. my dislike for humanity is more of a blanket thing. if i wanted you to fuck off, i wouldnt have ya on my friends list wink

[Edited on Sep 05, 2005 5:43AM]
something people (certain people and in people general) need to understand: just because you throw an untimatum at someone doesn't mean the outcome will be in your favor.

i am tired.

i was going to go with one of my friends to an AIDS marathon in New Orleans...but that obviously isn't going to happen. now the marathon needs to be held for New Orleans. wow....
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I sooooo hear you about the empathy thing! Even when I was a little kid I'd fixate on elderly people I'd see. I'd cry myself to sleep at night knowing that they would die sooner than I would, their families would be so sad, they'd leave lonely pets behind.... etc.
Sometimes its a burden, but it makes me a much better friend and "therapist". wink
Now lets see that freckle!
Heart shaped freckle? Damn ... best I can do is the family of freckles that has taken residence on my shoulder.

You sound like me ... overly sensitive. But things usually do get better before they get worse. Hope you're doing better.
