I'm seriously considering picking back up my weed habit just so I don't have these fucking dreams anymore.
I used to smoke weed at least three times a day. I quit because it played havoc with my already fucked up system (pot doesn't exaclty help chronic fatigue...
Anyway. After I quit, I started experimenting more with psychedelics and other "drugs." I started to have dreams that I could remember more frequently. Then, a few monthes ago, I did acid a few times, and ever since then, I've had really crazy dreams that seem to last for hours. They are really stressful, and I never feel like I get sufficient rest.
Now, this may not have anything to do with the acid, but I can definately pinpoint a change right after my first big dose.
I've smoked pot a few times since then, and those are the nights I can actually sleep without disturbance. I probably shouldn't start smoking again, just because of the risks involved, but it's just so goddamn tempting. My sleep is precious to me, and I'm fucking sick of these dreams. Might as well call them nightmares. Fuck nightmares. I'm tired of them.
So. I'm in a really bad mood because of the dreams.
It's my boyfriend's mom's birthday today. Going to go get her a present soon.