holy fucking shit! this is by far one of my favorite sets EVER. Manko is totally one of my new favorites. Her sets are always high quality, but this is fucking...wow. I love the photography. Not to mention she fits so well in that roll. I just love her.
On a completely different note, I'm sick as fuck. I got fucking food poisoning from Chinese food that I thought was ok. ew ew ew ew ew. barfing, etc all night. Haven't slept a wink. Bah. But now I'm in a goooood mood. ^^
that's all for now.

later...puking up bile and pepto bismol is miserable
I think I might need to go to the doctor. I can't stop vomiting. I had no idea my stomach could possible contain as much as I have purged in the last 24 hours. My throat hurts like a fucking bitch from all the bile. Needless to say, I'm definately not working later. And I won't even be able to enjoy it. I am definately calling that Chinese food place and telling them what happened. I will also probably ask for my money back, which is something I've never done before. But I've also never been this ill before from eating fucking food.
I can only remember puking this much once in my life, and that was after I had an operation. The anesthesiologist fucked up, and I ended up splitting my wounds open (in my thigh and pubic area), because I was throwing up so violently. That incident caused me to have this irrational hatred/fear of hospitals. Not to mention post-traumatic stress disorder. So. Vomiting is really stressful for me mentally as well as physically. My lower abdomen feels like a block of painful lead, and my upper body is cramping and burning.

fucking fuckit fuck fuck OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
ok i'm done for the day.
If you can keep water/gatorade down (even a little) try to get some in your system. I had food poisoning (I'll never eat egg salad again!) and got all dehydrated which landed me in the hospital all poked full of holes and hooked up to IVs. No fun.
Feel better babe! I'm thinking of you!
(oh and yes, Manko....