Ok, I realize that I JUST updated, but I have something to say:
People who I've never spoken to before: STOP SENDING ME FRIEND REQUESTS.
I still approve most of them, because it feels mean to reject folks (unless you seem like something of a creep).
I really like it if you at least comment on my journal first.
If you're new to SG, it's a good idea to put up a journal entry, too. This place isn't really like myspace.
I don't like "friend collectors."
Some of you are from my area, and that's great, but please, just give me a feel for who you are.
I realize it's not "real" friendship (although sometimes it is) and shouldn't be a big deal, but it just kind of weirds me out. Because now that I have my new profile pic up, I've been getting lots more friend requests. Might seem conceited of me to say that, but it's true. Maybe it's a just a coincidence, though.
I take people on here pretty seriously. So if you're just "friending" me without talking to me, I'm going to think you're silly. Because silly people do that.
Summary: If you have time to visit my journal and friend me, you have time to leave a comment.
That being said, if you're one of these people and I've "accepted your overtures of friendship," don't let this scare you off.
I would like to know you. I think. Haha.
I'm going to see Placebo and She Wants Revenge tomorrow night. I am less into She Wants Revenge than Placebo, but it should still be fun. I never really go to shows anymore. I'm going with A and burningat70watts, who is a rad person.
I'm pretty sure we have the house!
I got to see Hayley today and her awesome friend Holly, and that was rad. Tons of fun. What I love about Hayley is that every time I go home from Thanksgiving (the longest time we normally see eachother) my abs and cheek muscles ACHE...from laughing until it's impossible to laugh anymore. I adore her.
K, Bye.
People who I've never spoken to before: STOP SENDING ME FRIEND REQUESTS.
I still approve most of them, because it feels mean to reject folks (unless you seem like something of a creep).
I really like it if you at least comment on my journal first.
If you're new to SG, it's a good idea to put up a journal entry, too. This place isn't really like myspace.
I don't like "friend collectors."
Some of you are from my area, and that's great, but please, just give me a feel for who you are.
I realize it's not "real" friendship (although sometimes it is) and shouldn't be a big deal, but it just kind of weirds me out. Because now that I have my new profile pic up, I've been getting lots more friend requests. Might seem conceited of me to say that, but it's true. Maybe it's a just a coincidence, though.
I take people on here pretty seriously. So if you're just "friending" me without talking to me, I'm going to think you're silly. Because silly people do that.
Summary: If you have time to visit my journal and friend me, you have time to leave a comment.

That being said, if you're one of these people and I've "accepted your overtures of friendship," don't let this scare you off.

I'm going to see Placebo and She Wants Revenge tomorrow night. I am less into She Wants Revenge than Placebo, but it should still be fun. I never really go to shows anymore. I'm going with A and burningat70watts, who is a rad person.
I'm pretty sure we have the house!
I got to see Hayley today and her awesome friend Holly, and that was rad. Tons of fun. What I love about Hayley is that every time I go home from Thanksgiving (the longest time we normally see eachother) my abs and cheek muscles ACHE...from laughing until it's impossible to laugh anymore. I adore her.
K, Bye.
I'm going to see the Peppers in a week or so. Can't wait... it'll be my fourth time to see them over a 15 yr, span. Oh, and Hi by the way!
I mean, if they've been reading my journal and want to be friends, that's cool. But if they want to be friends, they could at least say hi first.
Good luck with the house!