Hey everyone-
I haven't been to good at this SG thing lately. If I seem like I've been unresponsive/stand-offish/unfriendly, it's because life has been pretty tough on me lately, and I haven't even been so SG in a few days. It seems like a lot of people think I'm mad at them (on here and in real life too) because I've been acting differently. I've been giving a lot of 'it's not you, it's me' talks lately. Here's why:
My health has pretty much taken a nose-dive. I'm back at square one with my fatigue, meaning I fall asleep unless there's someone around to keep me awake. I have to set alarms on my cell phone when I'm alone for every ten minutes, or I sleep until someone finds me. I'm getting an F in one of my classes(the other is an A, though so yay). I have only enough money to get my car around. Gas prices are insane. Job hunting is almost impossible in my current condition, not to mention if I could even hold one up.
I had to go to a wedding all day yesterday and be on, friendly, chipper, etc. My mom is being inexplicably bitchy, and has started to yell at me about random things that I can't control. My aunt is staying with us for a few days, and her favorite activity is to criticize people under the guise of helping them. As I'm the youngest one here, I'm the easiest target. I'm taking care of my neighbor's chickens while they're away, and it's hard work (I know, sounds like it wouldn't be, but it is).
That's a sample of what's going on with me right now.
I still adore you people and this site, but with all of that stuff going on you can see why I haven't been around as much. ♥
Right now I just want to hide under my bed, cry, go to sleep and never come out.
I know I sound like a drama queen, but that's how I feel.
Just trying to keep my chin up and remember that I have to work on getting better for Costa Rica. Costa Rica. Costa Rica. Coooosta Riiiiicaaaaa. That's my mantra right now.
kisses and love to you all
-Molly. ♥
I haven't been to good at this SG thing lately. If I seem like I've been unresponsive/stand-offish/unfriendly, it's because life has been pretty tough on me lately, and I haven't even been so SG in a few days. It seems like a lot of people think I'm mad at them (on here and in real life too) because I've been acting differently. I've been giving a lot of 'it's not you, it's me' talks lately. Here's why:
My health has pretty much taken a nose-dive. I'm back at square one with my fatigue, meaning I fall asleep unless there's someone around to keep me awake. I have to set alarms on my cell phone when I'm alone for every ten minutes, or I sleep until someone finds me. I'm getting an F in one of my classes(the other is an A, though so yay). I have only enough money to get my car around. Gas prices are insane. Job hunting is almost impossible in my current condition, not to mention if I could even hold one up.
I had to go to a wedding all day yesterday and be on, friendly, chipper, etc. My mom is being inexplicably bitchy, and has started to yell at me about random things that I can't control. My aunt is staying with us for a few days, and her favorite activity is to criticize people under the guise of helping them. As I'm the youngest one here, I'm the easiest target. I'm taking care of my neighbor's chickens while they're away, and it's hard work (I know, sounds like it wouldn't be, but it is).
That's a sample of what's going on with me right now.
I still adore you people and this site, but with all of that stuff going on you can see why I haven't been around as much. ♥
Right now I just want to hide under my bed, cry, go to sleep and never come out.
I know I sound like a drama queen, but that's how I feel.
Just trying to keep my chin up and remember that I have to work on getting better for Costa Rica. Costa Rica. Costa Rica. Coooosta Riiiiicaaaaa. That's my mantra right now.

-Molly. ♥

Life is crazy right now all around, I won't hold it against you!!!

*hug* Focus on you. Then worry about us later okay?