I had the best day yesterday.
My best friend/boy/whatever and I went to Vasili's, this really great greek food resturaunt in Santa Cruz. That place is so rad, the food is awesome and it's a really nice atmospere. We were there at around 4 or so, and they serve lunch until 6, so we got cheap food. I got the vegetarian plate, complete with: spanikopita, tiropita, dolmathes, yummiest pita bread with tzatziki ever, huge salad, lemony rice. Holy shit. Tons of food, pretty cheap, soooooo good. And I didn't feel like a cow after eating it. My boy got a Gyro, which he said was excellent. It was a really nice time.
We then went downtown to hang out/watch people. We sat on top of a low parking garage and smoked bali shag cigarettes and watched the sun set. It was beautiful; brilliant pink and peach against deep blue. I haven't been that content in a long time. We went to the bookstore, walked around, etc. A very nice time.
Went back to my house where quite a few of my family members were having dinner. It was nice to see them. The boy had dinner with them (even though we'd just had a huge meal, haha), and then smal slices of pineapple upside-down cake. yum. Then we went to his house and had some really great sex.
On the way home, I re-discovered an old CD that I really like. Another stroke of good luck.
I think I need to get a new job, as much as I like where I work right now. I really don't get payed enough, and the hours are inconvenient. It also tires me out like nothing else. I think I want to work somewhere that I can have more/different hours, and better pay. It sucks, because I really like working with the animals, but it really doesn't work with my life right now. Once I start school again it will just get worse. I feel like I'm copping out.
My best friend/boy/whatever and I went to Vasili's, this really great greek food resturaunt in Santa Cruz. That place is so rad, the food is awesome and it's a really nice atmospere. We were there at around 4 or so, and they serve lunch until 6, so we got cheap food. I got the vegetarian plate, complete with: spanikopita, tiropita, dolmathes, yummiest pita bread with tzatziki ever, huge salad, lemony rice. Holy shit. Tons of food, pretty cheap, soooooo good. And I didn't feel like a cow after eating it. My boy got a Gyro, which he said was excellent. It was a really nice time.
We then went downtown to hang out/watch people. We sat on top of a low parking garage and smoked bali shag cigarettes and watched the sun set. It was beautiful; brilliant pink and peach against deep blue. I haven't been that content in a long time. We went to the bookstore, walked around, etc. A very nice time.
Went back to my house where quite a few of my family members were having dinner. It was nice to see them. The boy had dinner with them (even though we'd just had a huge meal, haha), and then smal slices of pineapple upside-down cake. yum. Then we went to his house and had some really great sex.

I think I need to get a new job, as much as I like where I work right now. I really don't get payed enough, and the hours are inconvenient. It also tires me out like nothing else. I think I want to work somewhere that I can have more/different hours, and better pay. It sucks, because I really like working with the animals, but it really doesn't work with my life right now. Once I start school again it will just get worse. I feel like I'm copping out.


thanks for your comment about my set!

Hey there! Where can I go and get pepper spray? Also, I love that you took self defense - I want to enroll in a martial arts class, so im looking around. Your night out sounded great! My boys coming back to our new apartment saturday, with all his stuff + hes bringing his mom (I love her!) so Im excited too! Plus I got great news: I appealed to the school board to revoke A 1300 fee for leaving the dorms early. I had to tell them what happened to me, and they were very responsive. Because of it, I am htinking about filing a security report.