My next door neighbors have to little kids, and the girl, Emily, is probably the funniest little person I have ever met. I think she's about four. Anyway, she's really, really loud. And very assertive. Girl knows what she wants. I hope she stays that way.
Every day I drive up from work, and she run really fast over to my car and says, "MOLLY (yeah that's my name, so you know, now. woohoo) MOLLY WHAT YA DOIN'?
I tell her, "Getting home from work, Em. How was your day?"
"Oh, yeah? What'd you do?"
"(tells me)"
Then at the end of our little conversation she either comes inside with me and hangs out, or she hands me some little thing she has (like a leaf or a rock or something random) and says "MOLLY YOU CAN BRING IT! BRING IT TO YOUR HOUSE!"
She always gives me something to "bring." I'm not sure if that means it's mine, or if it means that I'm allowed to borrow it.
haha, she's the sweetest, funniest thing ever.
One time she begged me to put some makeup on her, and I was kind of wary about it, but her mom said a few sparkles would be ok. So I put really minimal light light pink eyeshadow on her and a few sparkles , and she was soooo pleased. She ran around saying "I'm a fairy! Look! Look!"
Aw. ok, enough. I love her though. It's like having another little cousin next door. Speaking of which, my cousin just recently gave birth to her second child, a daughter (YAY). The baby's name is Ava. I really like that name. Her son's name is Aidan, also neat. They are both really sweet kids.
blah blah blah. kids kids kids. I love them (when they aren't screaming), but I'm not sure I could ever have children of my own.
Every day I drive up from work, and she run really fast over to my car and says, "MOLLY (yeah that's my name, so you know, now. woohoo) MOLLY WHAT YA DOIN'?
I tell her, "Getting home from work, Em. How was your day?"
"Oh, yeah? What'd you do?"
"(tells me)"
Then at the end of our little conversation she either comes inside with me and hangs out, or she hands me some little thing she has (like a leaf or a rock or something random) and says "MOLLY YOU CAN BRING IT! BRING IT TO YOUR HOUSE!"
She always gives me something to "bring." I'm not sure if that means it's mine, or if it means that I'm allowed to borrow it.

One time she begged me to put some makeup on her, and I was kind of wary about it, but her mom said a few sparkles would be ok. So I put really minimal light light pink eyeshadow on her and a few sparkles , and she was soooo pleased. She ran around saying "I'm a fairy! Look! Look!"
Aw. ok, enough. I love her though. It's like having another little cousin next door. Speaking of which, my cousin just recently gave birth to her second child, a daughter (YAY). The baby's name is Ava. I really like that name. Her son's name is Aidan, also neat. They are both really sweet kids.
blah blah blah. kids kids kids. I love them (when they aren't screaming), but I'm not sure I could ever have children of my own.

thanks for the comment on my set luv.