Days off are always so random. I love them dont get me wrong.
I seem to spend alot of time reading e-mails that i have read many times before. Trying to understand what has taken place. It feels like a train reck. So suddenly and without notice. Trying to let go of that one person you love..... because you have no other choice, is one of the most painful things to have to do. Part of you wants to hold on to the feelings of love and hope, while the other knows that you must completely let go of it and let that love soar away. Everytime you are reminded of him, your eyes become wet and you cringe with the feeling of lost. Then you smile because you loved him with everything, you will always be effected the part he played in your life. You carry those memories with you and in time it changes you. Be open to that change, embrace it and let it guide you.
Never Forget
Keep your chin up!