I go back and forth with thinking mopeder is an asshole. We hung out the other night. He kept calling himself a jerk. We were sitting at the bar waiting for him to show up and as soon as I saw him I couldn't stop grinning like an idiot. But then I see him mention his ladyfriend on Facebook.
Pittsburgh for two weeks on Wednesday.
I love Phil and Ichi but they hate each other. I'm realizing how much I like Geoff the housemate.
I've given up on boyfriends and boys in general. I'm getting a cat when I come back. The 'mates are at least as excited as I am.
Pittsburgh for two weeks on Wednesday.
I love Phil and Ichi but they hate each other. I'm realizing how much I like Geoff the housemate.
I've given up on boyfriends and boys in general. I'm getting a cat when I come back. The 'mates are at least as excited as I am.