This is what I'm currently working on. This is Creaturina as only Alice knows her; soft, gentle, and loving... as apposed to hard, vicious, and lethal, which is how the world, except for those she protects, know/knows her (:
This is what I'm currently working on. This is Creaturina as only Alice knows her; soft, gentle, and loving... as apposed to hard, vicious, and lethal, which is how the world, except for those she protects, know/knows her (:
Almost finished my sweet Pilot (:
Because she is the product of genetic engineering, the Pilot is beautiful, and physically perfect… something she is completely unaware of. All she has ever known, for two hundred years, is the ship she and the military AI she is interfaced with, control. The ship is called Scythe of Terra. The Scythe is a Horror Class battleship, the only
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Yay! I have regained enthusiasm for my Pilot. As you can see, I’m running with clothed, and staying with the ridged suit. Love it when I work through a block and the result is something I like. Love my Pilot, now. Here are some more details about her:
She has never been outside her protective environment. Not physically. Every one of her 30,000 strong crew
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This is what I'm working on at the moment. She is the pilot of a gigantic war ship. Chosen for the position, while still in the womb, she has been enhanced on every level to be the human interface/operator of the ship's AI... she can 'see' and 'hear' like a space telescope, and think and react as fast as the fastest computer. She lives in
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This demon is the polar opposite to the 'sweet demon' I just painted... this one is pure evil (: