i'm getting to the point where i'm just stuck.
i have my job, which is wonderful (and a really sweet boss)
i still need a place to live.
i had one for a few days, but i think my shyness and my akwardness made them not like me.
i dunno.
i didn't even have time to adjust to being there.
and they didn't take the time to adjust to me.
or to even know me.
i've been kind of fighting with someone i care about a lot latley. so that has me feeling really down.
i finally sort of got my feelings out to the guy i like and....
no go.
my ex is being a dick to me.
out of nowhere.
my dad is sick again, and back in the hospital.
and i am without a home.
days like this make me wonder why i'm alive.
i don't mean that in the "i want to kill myself" sort of way.
i mean it in the "life fucking sucks, if a bus hit me, i don't think i'd be too upset" sort of way.
work on monday. i wish i had it today. it provides a nice distraction.
my brain is mud.
i don't know what he wants from me persay.
or anyone what anyone else wants.
i get this all around feeling of "not good enough" from everyone.
i think i have this personality flaw that i just don't see. and i think its why everyone seems to get so frustrated with me.
wtf is wrong with me?
i need stability.
i have my job, which is wonderful (and a really sweet boss)
i still need a place to live.
i had one for a few days, but i think my shyness and my akwardness made them not like me.
i dunno.
i didn't even have time to adjust to being there.
and they didn't take the time to adjust to me.
or to even know me.
i've been kind of fighting with someone i care about a lot latley. so that has me feeling really down.
i finally sort of got my feelings out to the guy i like and....
no go.
my ex is being a dick to me.
out of nowhere.
my dad is sick again, and back in the hospital.
and i am without a home.
days like this make me wonder why i'm alive.
i don't mean that in the "i want to kill myself" sort of way.
i mean it in the "life fucking sucks, if a bus hit me, i don't think i'd be too upset" sort of way.
work on monday. i wish i had it today. it provides a nice distraction.
my brain is mud.
i don't know what he wants from me persay.
or anyone what anyone else wants.
i get this all around feeling of "not good enough" from everyone.
i think i have this personality flaw that i just don't see. and i think its why everyone seems to get so frustrated with me.
wtf is wrong with me?
i need stability.
have a hug ****ZomBee**** From me.
*note: turn your sound off before you follow the link. The music will make you even more nuts.
p.s. will I see you tomorrow night?