*its always kinda sweet when you realized someone paid atttention.*
i went to boston this weekend. remind me not to do that again unless it directly involves edea
i was going to see an old friend from when i was like, 13
and it turned out the boy is still, in fact, 13
just taller...and chubby.
i hate when people tell outragious lies to make themselves look cooler by comparision.
and i REALLY hate people who have their hands on some knowledge, and instead of having a simple disscussion or debate, they talk down to you the entire time because they are sooooo much smarter than you.
then they shut up when you prove them cosmically wrong.
this is why none of my friends are my age.
so my plan so far is to start working, save up some cash, get an apartment with my own room, and get my ass into school and on my way to teaching art to the little snot nosed cute delinquents of america
i'm tired of feeling like i'm wasting my time. i want to be teaching like, now haha so, its high time i get myself on teh road there.
i got an email from my littlest sister shannon today. it was late. but it was a happy chanukah one. she wrote:
"so i got in trouble at school for telling my teacher its C H A N U K A H and not H A N U K K A.....she wasn't very happy about being corrected. oh well. i finished cats cradle.....send me another book to read. [i had given her kurt vonneguts "cats cradle" to read.....mind you she's turning 9 this year] mom has been fussy lately....come change her diaper. her and rick dad are still pretty pissed at you. i asked if you were comming for christmas, they said no and sent me to my room. i'm thinking i might steal your idea and get rick dad a can of kidney beans for christmas. i'm glad i still have tony here. we're silently waging war against those two. tony says if i beat your record of 15 and get myself booted at 9 or 10, he'll take me on in a new apartment. i miss you, i pray for you, and i'm glad you're back home. not that it changes much, i still won't see you very much if at all, but it's nice to imagine you living on as the starved artist in your brooklyn apartment, listening to neighbors argue and horns honking. hurry up and be a teacher. i want you teaching at my school so i can learn from you. i love and miss you....always-shannonbananastrawberrywatermelon"
i miss that kid so much. for her age shes fucking whip smart, she's a little sass mouth, and cute as a button. she's battleing her autism with full strength, and making advances in her condidtion that has been baffling her teachers and doctors. i miss her so much.
anyhow. time to nurse my headache. ciao

i went to boston this weekend. remind me not to do that again unless it directly involves edea

i was going to see an old friend from when i was like, 13
and it turned out the boy is still, in fact, 13
just taller...and chubby.
i hate when people tell outragious lies to make themselves look cooler by comparision.
and i REALLY hate people who have their hands on some knowledge, and instead of having a simple disscussion or debate, they talk down to you the entire time because they are sooooo much smarter than you.
then they shut up when you prove them cosmically wrong.

this is why none of my friends are my age.
so my plan so far is to start working, save up some cash, get an apartment with my own room, and get my ass into school and on my way to teaching art to the little snot nosed cute delinquents of america

i'm tired of feeling like i'm wasting my time. i want to be teaching like, now haha so, its high time i get myself on teh road there.
i got an email from my littlest sister shannon today. it was late. but it was a happy chanukah one. she wrote:
"so i got in trouble at school for telling my teacher its C H A N U K A H and not H A N U K K A.....she wasn't very happy about being corrected. oh well. i finished cats cradle.....send me another book to read. [i had given her kurt vonneguts "cats cradle" to read.....mind you she's turning 9 this year] mom has been fussy lately....come change her diaper. her and rick dad are still pretty pissed at you. i asked if you were comming for christmas, they said no and sent me to my room. i'm thinking i might steal your idea and get rick dad a can of kidney beans for christmas. i'm glad i still have tony here. we're silently waging war against those two. tony says if i beat your record of 15 and get myself booted at 9 or 10, he'll take me on in a new apartment. i miss you, i pray for you, and i'm glad you're back home. not that it changes much, i still won't see you very much if at all, but it's nice to imagine you living on as the starved artist in your brooklyn apartment, listening to neighbors argue and horns honking. hurry up and be a teacher. i want you teaching at my school so i can learn from you. i love and miss you....always-shannonbananastrawberrywatermelon"
i miss that kid so much. for her age shes fucking whip smart, she's a little sass mouth, and cute as a button. she's battleing her autism with full strength, and making advances in her condidtion that has been baffling her teachers and doctors. i miss her so much.

anyhow. time to nurse my headache. ciao


i mailed your stuff again today

thanx doll, but you're not the first to offer the service either
but it would be nice