A litle pissed off today (which is unusual because I'm normally such a mellow d00d). Mostly I think because I am dreading a conversation I am going to have to have with my ex. She wanted to know yesterday if I could take our son tonight and Friday night because she has to go see her friend's plays. I will most likely end up doing it because I love having him here but I am starting to worry about the effect it is going to have on him. We are supposed to be doing alternating weeks with our custody. As it has stood for the past couple of months I have had him for 9 days and she has him for 5. Again, I don't mind that. She has performances on Saturday and Sunday nights and they just extended her show for 6 more weeks.
The problem I am having really comes from the fact that she had 9 days of free evenings (ok 5 really because of her show) to go see these last week. Because if I do this he will only be seeing his mom for 3 nights.
I took him to see her show on Sunday and had suggested that since it was her night that she take him home with her after it. She wasn't sure if she wanted to at first. Later she decided she would. When I told him on Sunday he said he didn't want to. So here I was having to convince two people to do something I didn't really want in the first place.
So anyway, I think I should point out to her that she has a kid who needs to see his mom and that she really needs to start taking that responsibility seriously.
I don't know, maybe I should just go for full custody. At least that way there will be a reason he only see's her once in a while and he won't start feeling like mommy only wants to se him when it's convenient.
Well, writing about it helped a little. I'm not pissed off now just tense and depressed
The problem I am having really comes from the fact that she had 9 days of free evenings (ok 5 really because of her show) to go see these last week. Because if I do this he will only be seeing his mom for 3 nights.
I took him to see her show on Sunday and had suggested that since it was her night that she take him home with her after it. She wasn't sure if she wanted to at first. Later she decided she would. When I told him on Sunday he said he didn't want to. So here I was having to convince two people to do something I didn't really want in the first place.
So anyway, I think I should point out to her that she has a kid who needs to see his mom and that she really needs to start taking that responsibility seriously.
I don't know, maybe I should just go for full custody. At least that way there will be a reason he only see's her once in a while and he won't start feeling like mommy only wants to se him when it's convenient.
Well, writing about it helped a little. I'm not pissed off now just tense and depressed

i hate it when people say thingy .. yet there it is.