HOT here today. Gonna be over 100. Ech! Working out in the park was almost too much. You know one of those days where you get done, take your shower, get dressed and you are still all sweaty? One of those.
Audition ran long and the Ex had to pick up my son from Karate Camp. I met them and bought lunch. Ain't I just too damn sweet.
Anyway off to a playdate (not mine unfortunately) 6 year olds have such busy social calendars.
Thanks Merrow for posting a comment. I need all the positive reinforcement I can get these days. It led me to one of those moments though when you have to smack your own head.
I check the link to merrow's profile. I look at the profile. I think "Wow! she's gorgeous and cool. Then I notice I'm old enough to be her DAD. SMACK!
Oh well, I think I'm probabaly going to have that happen alot because I keep forgetting how old I am. Bwahahaha
Audition ran long and the Ex had to pick up my son from Karate Camp. I met them and bought lunch. Ain't I just too damn sweet.
Thanks Merrow for posting a comment. I need all the positive reinforcement I can get these days. It led me to one of those moments though when you have to smack your own head.
I check the link to merrow's profile. I look at the profile. I think "Wow! she's gorgeous and cool. Then I notice I'm old enough to be her DAD. SMACK!
Oh well, I think I'm probabaly going to have that happen alot because I keep forgetting how old I am. Bwahahaha