Well, I missed out on FNLHC last night. For some reason SG wasn't connecting all day yesterday. We're heading out in a couple of hours to go to Legoland with the Girlfriend and her kids. Sort of a last Hurrah I guess. We had been planning it for a while and I wasn't sure we'd actually be doing it but my son really wanted to and I think the GF does too. I don't know she's kind of hard to read these days. Hopefully we can all just go and have fun and it won't be too bittersweet. I'll let you all know. Still not looking forward to the knee surgery on Wednesday. I have someone to get me to the hospital but no one confirmed to pick me up. I also have a client who wants me to record the next day. I had hoped to be able to do it on Tuesday but they won't be ready. It should be LOADS of fun. I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to drive that soon. We'll see.
Talk to you all when I get back.
Talk to you all when I get back.
Thank you for the birthday wishes!