Back from Boston, the trip was wonderful. The only wierd thing that happened was on the first day. I gave myself a paper cut. What's so wierd about that you may ask? Well, it was on my left eyeball. I was pulling out the hotel reservation info and the paper flicked up and sliced right across the surface of my eye. Fortunately there was an emergency room one block away so we walked over and they took a look at it. I had to wear an eye patch for a couple of days and put drops in it but evidently that part of your eye heals very quickly. So I looked like Moshe Dayan for a while. We got to see the Sox beat the Mets on my birthday. That rocked. In general a really nice week.
Now I'm back. He comes home today after a week at his mom's. My life starts up again.
Now I'm back. He comes home today after a week at his mom's. My life starts up again.
