I haven't posted in a while. How is everybody? I've been pretty busy the last couple of weeks. Just before my boss went out of town I had my annual evaluation at work. I got a raise, and I've had some of my best sales months the last few months. I also started getting paid time off. Don't know exactly how it will work, but I get 30 hours a year. That's roughly the equivalent of my scheduled hours each week. So one week paid time off.
Both weeks that my boss was gone I worked almost 60 hours, and I'm absolutely exhausted. As I previously stated I normally only work 30 hours a week. So it's basically almost 2 weeks in 1. I don't know how people do long weeks on a regular basis. I get so burnt out I just don't have any energy to do anything. At the same time I kind of thrive in a way when I get to that point. There's not much time for self care and that part sucks, but I also am able to let life just kind of fade away. There is only the work. As I say this, sounds kind of sad and pathetic to me, but I hope y'all can understand what I mean.
When my boss went to Hawaii at the end of May, he was gone for 12 days and I sold $35,000 worth of product. This time he was gone for roughly 16 days, and I only took two days off the entire time. I sold another $25,000 worth of product. Essentially a little slower than last time, but I would still consider it successful.
I'm not entirely certain why I use this platform as a journal. I'm sure very few, if any, of you actually care. That's not an insult to you ladies. Y'all are beautiful, amazing, wonderful, and all the other positive adjectives. I don't really have words to express how much I appreciate you ladies. There's a few of you who even go out of your way to give me encouragement. Please know that I appreciate you very very much.
It's almost 1:30 in the morning, so I'm going to call it a night. Thank you if you made it this far, and blessings to you all.