Wow! What a past week or two! So, last you heard I was in Mechanicsburg, PA for training. I successfully completed that, and then went home to Va. Beach. I stayed there for a few hours until I got a call to go to Illinois. I went there...and then got a call to go to St. Louis instead. Heh. Well, anyway, basically I've been staying in airports for the past few days. But, here I am in St. Louis now. It's a pretty cool place. We're staying across the street from a very nice mall, and there are a lot of pretty girls all over this burg. I will write more later this afternoon/evening because I have a few inspections to go on this morning.
Orgasmatron in St. Louis
It's not edited I swear.....I spell good
[Edited on Jun 05, 2004 8:51PM]