you know I was going to do an update here. but I have no idea what to put in. I don't get on sg nearly as much anymore. In fact I hardle ever use my computers anymore. I finally got some shit filmed for solomon 3 but I still have to shoot the two main scenes of it. so hopefully next week i can get it all done maybe. I cleaned my apartment finally the other night so its all pUrty looking. no more misc boxes lying on the floor and assorted shit piled up on my table. Finally got all the court shit from my accident over with. only a fine, no points no jail time no nothing. and I could have gotten up to 6 months in jail, yeah like that would actually happen.
welp I'm having a hankering for a scary movie so I'm going to try and find one to watch. adios every body.
Jimy's fun fact du jour: The first crossword puzzle was By Arthur Wynne, December 21, 1913
from The New York World
and for the record my name is spelled J I M Y one "m" not two.

Jimy's fun fact du jour: The first crossword puzzle was By Arthur Wynne, December 21, 1913
from The New York World
and for the record my name is spelled J I M Y one "m" not two.
you said all i need is a mask and a really big cup?