yeUH I got episode two of solomon's story finished so everyone go and watch it now ok? you got that ?!
on another note, I'm gonig to be moving to a new place next weekend. gonna be on high st. in the short north right next to brian barou's. So because of moving and shit like that I'm p0 as a mother fucker so go to the columbus group and check out the shit I have for sale and buy something.
nothing else has happened to me since my last post. same old shit, busy at work, hanging out with peeps etc..
on another note, I'm gonig to be moving to a new place next weekend. gonna be on high st. in the short north right next to brian barou's. So because of moving and shit like that I'm p0 as a mother fucker so go to the columbus group and check out the shit I have for sale and buy something.

very nice man. I like it. you goin to PHP? hope you say yes, BTW shoot me an email bout the jacket.
ok well I'll see you next weekend and kelly's party then right? and you still need to email me bout jacket. going to be in cbus next 3 days prolly.