Sorry I missed the festivites on saturday, I really did want to come out ang meet all the SGColumbus folks. But I had a friend in from out of town. Not much has been going on in my life really, but at least it hasn't sucked quite so much as of late so thats good. I've started work on a new short that is about 6 minutes long. That is going to turn in to a series, I'm going to put a new "chapter" up every week or two, so if anyone might be interested in doing a little acting.. I might need some people.
I hope to have the first chapter up this week sometime so I'll drop a link to it when she's all done and uploaded.
so until next time, rock out with your cock out and jam out with your clam out \m/

so until next time, rock out with your cock out and jam out with your clam out \m/
yah the crash was sorta painful but I'm all good now, get my hand cast off in a week and a half woo hoo, and pins out two weeks after that