Hi Pops!!!! How you doing?? 😊😊
Today I woke up at 5:30 a.m. for seeing the Super Moon and I was like wooooooo!!! It is the second time that I saw one of this "natural" or space lol event, but this time the Moon was really big and Red 😲✨
It was a little creepy, but fascinating!!! The first time I've seen a thing like this was just the last year I think on July, unfortunately I don't see the event very well 😞😞
So 2 days ago I was happy to discovered that today would happen again and even better 😱💖😱💖
Btw, have you seen the Lunar eclipse of this year?? 😊 and @rambo @missy what about you? Did you see it??
Let me know and if you have some shot about it share with me 😻 I love that kind of thing!!!
and from Oreyuki here is all 😎
Stay tuned for another blog
Bye Bye xoxoxo 😘