Hello SG world.
23:50 over here and I can't sleep! So I thought I would write a blog from bed with my honey sleeping adorably beside me. Besides from being in the home stretch of the semester and going through final exams (gag), everything here is pretty peachy keen! I am working hard at my job, have a new man in my life who treats me like gold, and am busting my butt towards getting this degree!
I'm excited to be the first Jewish room mate living in the house I am now so I can share Hanukkah with all my amazing room mates.
Lets see if I have any fun pictures on my phone to catch you all up on my life as of late..
That's my guy. First Snow of the year. He's so wonderful and I am so lucky to have gotten out of the unhealthy relationship I was in and found such an amazing person. On that note.. Ladies, don't EVER settled for less than what you know you deserve. Don't ever let someone make you think you are anything less than you are. Trust your instincts! I always wondered if I had these so called "instincts," I do, you do too, you just need to listen. Deep down inside you will know if something is wrong. Do not ignore these feelings. There is someone else out there who will treat you EXACTLY how you would like to be treated, and if it's not the one you are with now then buh-bye! Don't mean to rant but what I just came out of taught me so much! I feel inspired by my newfound (or refound) strength and confidence.
Anyway. Work in the morning so should probably keep trying to sleep. Thanks for listening as always!
Signing out as one happy/giddy/smitten/content SG hopeful..
Ps shooting my next set Jan 19! Keep an eye out in the coming months!
23:50 over here and I can't sleep! So I thought I would write a blog from bed with my honey sleeping adorably beside me. Besides from being in the home stretch of the semester and going through final exams (gag), everything here is pretty peachy keen! I am working hard at my job, have a new man in my life who treats me like gold, and am busting my butt towards getting this degree!
I'm excited to be the first Jewish room mate living in the house I am now so I can share Hanukkah with all my amazing room mates.
Lets see if I have any fun pictures on my phone to catch you all up on my life as of late..

That's my guy. First Snow of the year. He's so wonderful and I am so lucky to have gotten out of the unhealthy relationship I was in and found such an amazing person. On that note.. Ladies, don't EVER settled for less than what you know you deserve. Don't ever let someone make you think you are anything less than you are. Trust your instincts! I always wondered if I had these so called "instincts," I do, you do too, you just need to listen. Deep down inside you will know if something is wrong. Do not ignore these feelings. There is someone else out there who will treat you EXACTLY how you would like to be treated, and if it's not the one you are with now then buh-bye! Don't mean to rant but what I just came out of taught me so much! I feel inspired by my newfound (or refound) strength and confidence.
Anyway. Work in the morning so should probably keep trying to sleep. Thanks for listening as always!
Signing out as one happy/giddy/smitten/content SG hopeful..
Ps shooting my next set Jan 19! Keep an eye out in the coming months!
I love you!!!!!