So... I have a bit of a dilemma. As some of you may know, I was recently accepted into a very prestigious Master's of Counseling Psychology program at my university. I'm so thrilled to be starting this new chapter in my life, and in my academic & professional career!
However... On our first day of orientation (yesterday), our training director made it very, very clear that we are to conduct ourselves in a professional manner; one that will speak well of ourselves & of our department at the university. In this spiel was a lengthy speech about how we present ourselves online.
Being a counselor overseeing a number of college aged clients, these clients will often search for us on social media. We must keep our profiles rather PG... & I sadly already cleaned up the majority of posts on my Instagram account. Even though my account doesn't say my real name or my university, how should I handle this? Should I just go private, but keep posting as I have been? Or, should I keep the risqué photos just here on the site? Any advice, from experience or otherwise, would be greatly appreciated!