I am so thankful for everything that SuicideGirls is, and everything it will become. My boyfriend & I attended the Blackheart Burlesque show in New Orleans on the 5th, & I can honestly say it was the best night of our lives. We were celebrating my 21st birthday & our 7th anniversary together. The show was absolutely incredible. I even won a free membership & got called to go to the stage by Vorpal! Bambu doused by boobs in liquor. We partied at Penthouse with Bambu & Razzi (both so adorable.) I woke up with a pounding headache & the best memories in the world; I honestly thought it may have been a dream. I had liquor in my hair, weed & pizza all over our hotel room, & no money left in my account due to the stripper I fell in love with at the club. It was so worth it. I met some amazing, genuine people (including the women of Blackheart), & this entire experience made me so excited to finally get the ball rolling here at SuicideGirls. I'm so anxious to figure out the site a little more & get to know some interesting people! Let's be friends <3