My uncle Phil got married yesterday to his Greek girlfriend, Vicky, and my sister and I were bridesmaids at their big fat Greek wedding. I don't have photos yet because I didn't take my own camera, so I have to wait until relatives email them to me.
It was fun! We got our hair done in a Greek hairdressers. Then eventually on to the service, which was in a Greek Orthodox church. It was totally hilairious... for many different reasons (e.g. priests with weird sounding voices chanting, kids making loads of noise, random old ladies walking through the church with Tesco bags...) Robyn and I didn't have to do much though, we were just decorations really. Vicky made our dresses herself and we get to keep them, and the shoes and tiaras - plus we got a present (my fave perfume, Dior Hypnotic Poison) for being bridesmaids!
The reception afterwards was really good and I enjoyed myself, despite my feet absolutely killing me by that point. Connel and I danced... a lot. To both Greek and English music. And the food was great! So yeah, a good day overall. Bit confusing at times, and sometimes I forgot I was still in England, but still... :p
My great aunt Marie has been staying with us since Friday since she was a guest at the wedding. My mum and her are always chattering, it's driving me slowly insane...
So, Italy won the world cup. Damn it. Now I won't get any sleep tonight (my town is like a mini Italy).
Last week of my receptionist job next week. It's been a really good experience. But guess what.... I've been offered a job in the finance department!
I just watched the Dr Who finale. Love it. But now I'm all sad.
F. xXx
It was fun! We got our hair done in a Greek hairdressers. Then eventually on to the service, which was in a Greek Orthodox church. It was totally hilairious... for many different reasons (e.g. priests with weird sounding voices chanting, kids making loads of noise, random old ladies walking through the church with Tesco bags...) Robyn and I didn't have to do much though, we were just decorations really. Vicky made our dresses herself and we get to keep them, and the shoes and tiaras - plus we got a present (my fave perfume, Dior Hypnotic Poison) for being bridesmaids!
The reception afterwards was really good and I enjoyed myself, despite my feet absolutely killing me by that point. Connel and I danced... a lot. To both Greek and English music. And the food was great! So yeah, a good day overall. Bit confusing at times, and sometimes I forgot I was still in England, but still... :p
My great aunt Marie has been staying with us since Friday since she was a guest at the wedding. My mum and her are always chattering, it's driving me slowly insane...

So, Italy won the world cup. Damn it. Now I won't get any sleep tonight (my town is like a mini Italy).
Last week of my receptionist job next week. It's been a really good experience. But guess what.... I've been offered a job in the finance department!

I just watched the Dr Who finale. Love it. But now I'm all sad.
F. xXx
Cheer me up babe.