Pffffffttt..... shite. I'm meant to be going to Ireland next month and I haven't had my passport renewed yet. Damn.
So this morning I was frantically searching for my old passport because saying you've lost it creates the whole new hassle of having to fill out MORE forms.
Found it though, thankfully. Now I really have to get it sent off along with the forms and photos and.... the 50 quid cheque.
I have been playing way too much Animal Crossing again today. I've been switching between the DS and Gamecube. I really should get on to playing more Tomb Raider: Legend that I bought the other day for the PS2... but AC is SO addictive... it lures me in and bam! I'm inaccessible for hours.
Connexions called me today; they want to see me at the JobCentre on Wednesday for "a chat". Ugh, I don't see the point. The last time I had a Connexions interview the woman had no clue what she was meant to be talking about and ended up babbling on for ages about how I "shouldn't give up my dream of going to university". Ha. Dream my arse. Those people at the JobCentre are so incompetant - I should have one of their jobs!
Driving lesson at 10am tomorrow. For once I won't be driving in the dark... woah. That's a scary prospect.
Right now I'm eating rich tea biscuits and watching that 'DVD video' message bounce around on the TV screen as I haven't decided what to watch tonight yet.
I might go shopping for art supplies tomorrow, and perhaps a journal so I can write about my dreams in it. I've been having some really freaky vivid ones of late.
Hope you all had a great weekend!
F. xXx
So this morning I was frantically searching for my old passport because saying you've lost it creates the whole new hassle of having to fill out MORE forms.
Found it though, thankfully. Now I really have to get it sent off along with the forms and photos and.... the 50 quid cheque.

I have been playing way too much Animal Crossing again today. I've been switching between the DS and Gamecube. I really should get on to playing more Tomb Raider: Legend that I bought the other day for the PS2... but AC is SO addictive... it lures me in and bam! I'm inaccessible for hours.
Connexions called me today; they want to see me at the JobCentre on Wednesday for "a chat". Ugh, I don't see the point. The last time I had a Connexions interview the woman had no clue what she was meant to be talking about and ended up babbling on for ages about how I "shouldn't give up my dream of going to university". Ha. Dream my arse. Those people at the JobCentre are so incompetant - I should have one of their jobs!
Driving lesson at 10am tomorrow. For once I won't be driving in the dark... woah. That's a scary prospect.
Right now I'm eating rich tea biscuits and watching that 'DVD video' message bounce around on the TV screen as I haven't decided what to watch tonight yet.
I might go shopping for art supplies tomorrow, and perhaps a journal so I can write about my dreams in it. I've been having some really freaky vivid ones of late.
Hope you all had a great weekend!
F. xXx
hope you get the passport stuff sorted, I'd love to go to ireland at some point!
Sounds like you are doing quite good...job interviews, endless video games, driving can be so easy.