Sooo I went to sleep last night, or this morning i should say at 4am, set my alarms for noon and I when I woke up it was still dark outside. I was like shit.... I dont want to keep waking up every hour, assuming it was still early in the morning and the sun hadn't risen yet. Then I fucking look at the clock and its 5pm. I couldn't believe it. I slept thirteen hours!!! I've never done that before....I didn't take anything unusual that would cause me to sleep so long.. I'm soooo confused and mad cuz I slept my whole day away almost. Damn. Oh well, shit happens right?? I just hope to God I wake up tomm. cuz I have class at 12:30.

I see Marilyn Manson is in your 'Top Bands' list, what do you think of the divorce?
Yeah, I really thought they would last too....I absolutely love Dita, and I think Marilyn is very misunderstood, and very intelligent. I just got his book for Christmas (I know it's kinda old, but hey....). Maybe his consumption of absinthe is fucking up his judgement