Wow. I just looked at my old blog entries and my profile on here. A lot has changed in 5 years... Maybe it's time to update my profile lol.
I'm almost done with my Suicide Girls application, I just need to shoot a photo shoot and then I'll be a SG, i'm really excited, I've wanted to do this for so long... But besides that, all Ive been up to lately is working and going to school which just started again this week. Im taking my two photography classes,human sexuality,nutrition, and art history. I'm...
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good luck on the application! and the new condo. oh, and i loved human sexuality! who do you have?
I just realized I havent posted in here since I renewed my account. I finished my first semester of Columbia, and the summer is going by way tooooo fast. Although, Columbia is a million times better than any schooling I've ever had to endure in my entire life, so i can't complain too much. I also recently bought a condo in one of the suburbs...
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Is it just you in the condo? Cause if you've got roommates, some of those freedoms get..."limited".
"I really, really, can't wait to lay on my couch, smoking a bowl, watching a movie, and pass out "
i just had to move, finally unpacked and did just that haha
i just had to move, finally unpacked and did just that haha
So I have to cancel my account for a while on account of I dont have money right now... excpet with which to eat and take the train. =(. I'll be back as soon as possible.
, yeah I did. I remember seeing you around, just never got the opportunity to say hello. So...hello.

No, no. I got an apt. in Chinatown. I made the mistake of doing the UC for two years. Needless to say, I learned my lesson.
Cassie and I went to the Harold Washington Library today. It's awesome because I live right across the street from it. Yay. We got library cards and I rented out Trainspotting, because I still hadn't gotten around to reading that book and I got this Tattoo Bible and a book called Postsecret. The Post Secret book is really just entertaining to look at, it's basically...
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Thanks for the kind dogs are two English Mastiffs, one weighs 200 lbs and the other weighs 170 lbs so they do enjoy eating
Sounds like you cleaned up at Urban Outfitters, a lot of stuff for little money makes me happy! Especially the anti-Bush bumper sticker....those probably go by the caseload. I have a few of them myself. That Post Secret book sounds really fun, kinda like eavesdropping on people's conversations.....delicious
Hey, my screen name on AIM is pandoradawnj if you ever feel like chatting.....or bitching about other people who don't IM

Sounds like you cleaned up at Urban Outfitters, a lot of stuff for little money makes me happy! Especially the anti-Bush bumper sticker....those probably go by the caseload. I have a few of them myself. That Post Secret book sounds really fun, kinda like eavesdropping on people's conversations.....delicious

Hey, my screen name on AIM is pandoradawnj if you ever feel like chatting.....or bitching about other people who don't IM

This weekend was fun. I hung out with TJ and got fucked up on Friday night and we watched Idle Hands and Pulp Fiction. I spent the night at Daniel's and I made him watch Marie Antoinette with me when we woke up since he got it for me for Valentines Day. I got my hair cut and stuff and then I went to Rocky...
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That movie looks totally might be too much for me!!
Sounds like you had a good weekend, Rocky Horror rocks

Sounds like you had a good weekend, Rocky Horror rocks

Sooo I went to sleep last night, or this morning i should say at 4am, set my alarms for noon and I when I woke up it was still dark outside. I was like shit.... I dont want to keep waking up every hour, assuming it was still early in the morning and the sun hadn't risen yet. Then I fucking look at the clock...
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Most people have common sense when it comes to their animals, but some are dumb asses!! Sounds like you would be a good dog mommy
I see Marilyn Manson is in your 'Top Bands' list, what do you think of the divorce?

I see Marilyn Manson is in your 'Top Bands' list, what do you think of the divorce?
Oooh, I'm excited for you! You'll have to post pics of your new place when you move in
Yeah, I really thought they would last too....I absolutely love Dita, and I think Marilyn is very misunderstood, and very intelligent. I just got his book for Christmas (I know it's kinda old, but hey....). Maybe his consumption of absinthe is fucking up his judgement

Yeah, I really thought they would last too....I absolutely love Dita, and I think Marilyn is very misunderstood, and very intelligent. I just got his book for Christmas (I know it's kinda old, but hey....). Maybe his consumption of absinthe is fucking up his judgement