I've been so sick lately! I've been taking days off of work witch i never do... haha at least for actually being sick... its probably been 5 years since i've done that! so i've been at the house alot lately, on the internet and watchin movies... just finished E.T. (witch is great). well i don't know exactly what i should say. i kinda did this...
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I think our country tries it's best to monitor pollution and on a global outlook we do what we can. But Al Gore has made a lot of money off the american people and it's not that he's really providing a service but rather scaring people. But yeah I agree with what you said and it's the fact that whatever humans are here or not the earth changes. In the big picture no one knows how much damage it is we are really doing in comparison to what the earth intents to do. Good comment 

well i think that us humans should reduce all pollution but not because of the global warming. there are so many problems that we are causing because of pollution, cancer was a rare problem before all the industrial pollution began. for an example. i just didn't agree with global warming caused by man as much as most people think.