God I haven't been on here in like a year.
I am always on MySpace so join up ya'll.......
Leaving soon to go to the beach. It has been just a horrible two weeks here. I wonder if I'll ever get out of here? frown
I've got responsibilities that I can't walk away from. I will leave them some day I just hope its sooner then later. I have decided to go for the koi fish on my leg to cover the "prison" tattoos that live there now. I am also secrectley sabotaging a co-worker.
I hope they get fucked over! And if you are reading this you fucking loser, slob .....you will never date a twenty-something chick with piercings, you will never amount to anything else then what you are. And for the remark that I am a pansy well guess who isn't one now? Guess who nailed you for every single thing you've done wrong..guess who had a journal of all the stuff you fucked up? Thats right the sweet little blonde pansy. You should have known better then to fuck with me. So get ready to wait in line at the un-employment office, you did it to yourself. If you have jacked off to my photos that I had to delete because of you, I hope your hand falls off you nasty pigfuck! puke
Forgot to post to my junglists John B rocked Fluid! You must see him before you die. He is the balance of Drum and Bass and synth pop! eeek smile
Check out his web site,
I just got pulled over for speeding/ running a red light. I only got a warning. I found myself laughing as I got pulled over and when I left. Officer Sebastian let me go. How funny is that? I love the fact that the guy wanted to give me a ticket but in this state first pull over is a warning and it was my...
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you're lucky...first pull over and you can't get a ticket? wow!
i've been pulled over twice in my honda and only got a warning!
It is hot and raining. This area sucks! I am sunburn and peeling. I am effectivily morphing into a new human. Not to mention I am probably going to die of westnile virus, I have so many bites! Tried to install Cold air intake(AEM) in a Honda Si. Could not get the f-er in. I was so pissed. We had to put the stock intake...
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was it your Honda Si? i have a Honda S2000....i love it. one of my patients is my mechanic...he does everything for my car.

in response to your email...i have no problem with piercings...actually i find them very sexy...but in dental terms...no problem...unless the person isn't smart about it. clicks against his/her teeth or doesn't pay attention to their gums to see if a facial piercing may be causing gum recession. i just tell my patients what to watch out for.
No not my car, a friends car. I have a Scion Xb and a KZ 750 (bike). Hondas are great cars I would have bought one but I just had to have the ugly box car. What is done to your car? The S2000 is sweet.
I am happy to hear that you realize that it is not the piercing but the person. There were times where I was around people who had their tongue pierced and they just kept clicking it and sloping it around their mouth. Uggghhh I wanted to rip it out , its so disgusting. I had my tongue pierced for 10 years and I never had any problems. I also had a labret for I think 3 years and nothing there either. I was actually worried about that because I have a baby tooth still in my gums towards the front and I thought that would irritate it. That was something I was told by my dentist and well he was wrong.
One more thing.....where are your pics? Your profile is also not incredibly informative, how are we supposed to get to know you? smile
Hoping to put together a photo set for SG. I am looking for a photographer who would like to shoot it. I have all my paper work done I just need some pictures. Anybody in the Philadelphia area who is interested? I would like to see a portfolio and hear from some references. kiss
i love taking photos but i'm not a professional photographer...or else i'd help ya out. wink
i know lots of photographers. i mean, i don't know them personally, but i know that there are lots of photographers who are into alternative looks. where have you searched so far?
1 pm today, I just woke up and still can't figure out why I stayed up till 5am last night! It'ds been awhile since I did that. It's Fathers Day and I am trying my hardest to put off calling till it's too late to go to dinner with the fam. I just can't do the whole fake B.S. junk today. Besides my car needs...
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Dame I forgot that is fathers day.

Its good every once in a while to stay up tell 5 it reminds you why you dont want to do that every day LOL.
hello...just came across your profile...great photos! love
Today was a very good day. The word though is swarmy. Still recovering from a night out on Friday. Need to take some photos for my profile. I can't wait to share them with you.
swarmy, huh? do you specialize in any particular typew of jewelry design?
Yeah swarmy, we are trying to identify a person and thinking that swarmy is what he is. My jewlery is all semi-precious stones and sterling silver, mostly like necklaces (girly stuff)