Tonight Romeo Dallaire spoke at school. It was interesting.

I have a busy weekend ahead. I am going to make my very first power point presentation. I had something I wanted to remember to do on Sat. but I can't remember what it was.

My sister is now going to go with my mom with me to LA to look at schools before I fly...
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what the cat dragged in"
no really

family relationships
can be hard

interesting is good
power point = blech

ps - what's wrong with bus seats?? wink
then i'll try legs behind your head....

[Edited on Nov 19, 2004 12:22AM]
This weekend was a lot of fun.

Thursday- Magnetic Fields
Friday- Printed Team Wino sweatshirts and went out for hot chocolate
Saturday- got a free polka dotted couch that is very soft, went to the bins and got lots of cool things for cheap including Battleship (never been played even!) and 2 matching Sky Queen suitcases, printed some clothes to send out for consignment, went...
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red hair gets my vote
but i just likes me
some red hair

not on top?
i'll take
doggie style
for 1000
art is good
i like to write
i wish i could draw
oh well

closer huh?
bent over the back
of a bus seat??

My clothes for printing arrived today.

I am eating a box of macaroni and cheese, wearing gloves and trying to read a paper on schizophrenia while perusing the internet.

Also, how on earth did it get to be 10:23?
Ok, so weighing between not burning out this semester and not having a job and thus any money that isn't committed to bills, rent or my business is a tough decision.

I am hoping to work enough during winter break to make money enough for AUS, NZ and Fiji plus the things that I don't think anyone will get me for Christmas but I have...
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Cool! I love the magnetic fields....i am so glad i was still able to get a ticket. If you happen to recognize me from my bad pics, feel free to say hi! Someone asked me how i would describe that band today,,,,i don't have any idea.....

woooh, traveling is expensive. I miss disposable imcome. Now i really cant afford to travel much because i work....duhn duhn duhn......retail! i originally took a break off of school to "save money" but i still haven't made that work.

Good luck with the money cruynch-iness. Take care!
Honig brought us a dead bird today. Its still sitting on the porch I imagine.
doesn't Hoenig mean honey? cuteness.
Last night I had fancy warm goat cheese and beet salad, cosmopolitans, grilled shrimp and mushroom risotto, and lots of merlot. My roommate and I got drunk and had funny conversations with our host. I sort of hurt my knees scrambling across the linoleum floor to get my cell phone before it woke anyone up. Then I did it again. This morning we woke up...
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I'll try to make this weekend as fun as Thursday kiss wink

Also, we should go see Lysistrata.

edited because if we get rats we definately should get dumbo rats (rancy rats with their ears on the sides of their heads)
here is a picture of them.

gosh they're cute

[Edited on Oct 30, 2004 12:25AM]
i just clicked on the link above and got all giggly....i'm a little girl.
The cat disappeared for 2 days and now she has improved. Just maybe her owners took her to the vet too?

I just ate week old spaghetti and meatballs.

A car cut me off in the cross walk, walking home from the bus in the rain, and made me miss the green light so I had to wait another cycle. In the rain.

Tonight is...
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i am dressing up
i promise
Cat goes to the vet's Thursday morning.
Or tomorrow afternooon depending on how late the vets is open.
She has conjuctivitis (we think).
She is smelly right now for some reason.
She peed on one of my roommate's sweatshirts that was on the floor.
She wants nothing more than to lie on my bed but after the peeing I don't want her on it.
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poor baby frown
Poor kitty. miao!!

I love the shirts you made. They are so cute. Do you sell on Ebay or anything?
why are shoes so sexy? i don't have a foot fetish. Yet i think they can be so damn attractive....i have a shoe fetish! wink those are really great for five bucks. I got some really great highheels a few months ago for around five bucks. This shoe store in Corvallis called Payless shoe source is the only place in town i can find highheels since i wear a larger size. Damn i get sick of mens shoes!!!!

Well, i am a dork. Maybe when we actually get new batteries for our digital camera, i will make greg take pictures of me in all my funny outfits. I will model my cute cheap heels for you! I make clothes but only for my own use, as i am not really that great at it. I wish i could take classes but alas that takes money. I would love to take some classes at the Art Institute. My freind has made some really awesome things in her clothing and costume design classes there.

Is this the same type of creature you have in your profile picture? What kind of animal is that by the way? I feel ignorant.

take care,

[Edited on Oct 19, 2004 10:31AM]
Dear 5:30 a.m.

It has been so long since we last met. I can't say I've been missing you. The library is treating you and I alright though, thoughts of breakfast are beginning to prevail and I just might make it until 3pm.

While I am pleased to have refresshed our acquaintance, lets not meet again any time soon,


Wow, that is so funny that you can request your own friendship!!! Weird! this website has some weird glitchiness/oversights sometimes.
i'll keep ya in the group - just checkin to see who's still around. wink