Me like Bubbles!!!
I'm so fekin happy it's weekend!! Finalllllyy!! Well the week did go fast actually!!
I'm just really tired and really couldn't be bothered to wotk this week!!
I really have to to the supermarket..i don't want to..i just wanna sit here on my arse and be lazy!! haha
But , i've got no choice, there's no food in the house..and i'm hungry..i have to eat by meself tonight, How boring????
i just can't stop thinking about moving, it's like on my mind alllll day!! I'm so excited..i wish it was time to go already....Even if we could go sooner it wasn't possible, because of the cats..they have to chipped and blah, blah..lot's of things..i guess it will be a change for them as well...i really should post some pics of my babies..they are so cute!! i love them so much!! There names are Mouse and Zero!! ( but i have said so before)
Oh well i better get changed and get summit to eat!! I'm starving and thirsty!! also because i forgot to take food to work today..not so smart!!! I reallt dunno what to for sure..summit really easy!! haha
Here another pic!!
Much love and kisses!!
Oh Yeah!! next week i'm so gonna see my lovely sweet Clio again!!! YAY finally we can hold hand again!!! xxxxx
( i would like to see my set live...)
in the new year it is my plan to come and visit you in holland before you move to england, as long as you promise to take me out with all the dutch sg's hehe