My most recent set Blue Mountain shot by @alissa has been in MR for 2 months now! Absolutely adore this photo set and it is one of my favorites of 2019! So grateful for the nearly 1500 💜s on it! Thank you!
Please go give it your love, and if you’d like, please let SG know in the comments if you want to see it on the front page! 😉
I’ve been thinking of making a couple trips to my sister states again in 2020, one to AZ and one to NV! I’m doing some tattoo work I’d like to finish first before I go on any new creative trips...check out my previous blogs for more info and photos on that!
Can’t wait to shoot new sets in Spring for SG as a hopeful or maybe as an official SG! 😍 I’m wishing and hoping! All I want to do is travel, create, make amazing friends, and be a badass walking piece of art!
@missy @rambo @sean @eirenne