My debut set, "Lucid Dreamer" is now in Member Review! Shot by the talented and sweet @zen, I couldn't be more happy with my first set as a Suicide Girl hopeful!
I love the SG community and I love the friends I have made over the past year thanks to being active here!
Thank you for all your love on my debut set!
I wanted to quickly answer some comments/questions I have had on my debut set.
1. This location is very intimate and very personal to me, and everything seen in the photos in the background belongs to me or someone I love.
2. So glad you all love the booty, smiles, and eyes! <3
3. I hand picked the outfit and @zen approved it! It is a lovely red-velvet two piece set.
4. To all who have commented mentioning Pink, you are the sweetest!
5. I wrote the poem so thanks for the nice comments on the album description.
6. Glad for those who love this set! I wanted it too be sexy, beautiful, classic, sweet, fun, intimate, alluring, and inspiring.
Please let me know if you have any questions or anything more you want to say in the comment section of my first set, "Lucid Dreamer"
@missy @rambo @sean